Teachers ask D21 Board for relief from student behavior; 'We are not able to continue...'
Ketchum outlined some of the disruptive behaviors that teachers have endured in the classroom over the years. They included verbal abuse such as screaming and threats made to teachers and other students, physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, and throwing objects in the classroom, and overall classroom destruction.
Play & Learn at Home Unveils Children's Lending Library in Downtown The Dalles
Play & Learn at Home has installed a free children’s lending library to promote literacy, parent engagement, community and family well-being at 409 Lincoln St in downtown The Dalles
TDHS Students Clean Up the Streets During Fly Up Day
The Dalles High schoolers got half the day off of school on Feb 23 to accommodate TD’s Middle School Fly Up Day and some of those high schoolers chose to spend the day volunteering to better their community.
3-2-1 LIFTOFF! NASA Astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams to Inspire the Gorge with Stellar Tales from Space
Columbia Gorge Tech Alliance will host “3-2-1 LIFTOFF!” a presentation from NASA Astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams on Thursday, March 21, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hood River Middle School, located at 1602 May Street, Hood River, Oregon,
Colonel Wright Elementary Students Write Letters to the Editor
This week Courtney Middleton, an English Language Development (ELD) teacher, assigned her 4th and 5th-grade students the task of writing persuasive letters on topics impacting today's youth.
The Next Door’s 2024 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workshop Series is Here
“New this year, we’re excited to present the workshop, “An Introduction to Popular Education”. This is a 4-hour overview of the history of Popular Education. Come see why The Next Door has adopted this teaching method and learn facilitation skills you can use in your meetings, classroom, community events, and more. As an added bonus, our September workshop will be held in-person at our TNDI office!” said TNDI.
The New Type of Playgroup Sweeping the Gorge - Where Kids Are in Charge!?
It was a foggy morning and I see the sight of the Play and Learn Transit Van in the parking lot promising something unique. Inside, a lovely gym transforms into a world of exploration and freedom, embodying a gentle, nurturing atmosphere that's instantly infectious. This isn't your typical playgroup; it's a space where children lead the way, and adults happily follow.
Seed to Supper Gardening Classes Begin Feb 22nd
The first class series in the Seed to Supper gardening classes begin this week on Feb. 22 in Sherman County! Seed to Supper is a free, comprehensive beginning vegetable gardening curriculum designed for adults gardening on a budget. The course highlights practical, low-cost techniques for building, planning, planting, maintaining and harvesting a successful vegetable garden.
Rivera’s Bilingual Preschool and Childcare Sets Kids Up For Success; Hopes to Expand to 2nd Location
Ana Rivera owns and operates two childcare sites in The Dalles, one site is for infants and toddlers age 2-3 while the other is for preschoolers age 3-5 and she’s working to expand her services in the coming months.
Chenowith Elementary Students Spread Love with Heart Project
Chenowith Elementary School is spreading love and cheer throughout the community with its annual Hearts Project, a recent annual tradition that allows students to demonstrate and share what love means to them with our community.
White Salmon Valley School District Reviews Suicide Prevention Protocol
In what White Salmon Valley School District Superintendent Rich Polkinghorn called a timely report, the District presented to the board a breakdown of how the district addresses youth and teen suicide. The report came in the wake of a recent teen suicide at neighboring Hood River Valley High School, where Polkinghorn had once been a teacher and principal.
Photo Gallery: Eagle Watch 2024
The 14th annual Eagle Watch drew over 500 people the The Dalles Dam Visitor Center on Saturday, Jan. 27. Visitors swapped their favorite bird watching stories, photographed the eagles, participated in live raptor education demonstrations, hands-on learning activities, and more.
Kaleyah and Keiliani Crichton-Tunai Signed By Mt. Hood Community College
Riverhawks Athletics hosted a National Letter of Intent signing ceremony on Thursday, January 11th at 3 p.m. in the main lobby of TDHS for Kaleyah and Kaleiani Crichton-Tunai as they commited to Mt. Hood Community College to continue their academic and athletic careers.
TDHS Alumni Guide Seniors: Embrace Risks, Manage Time, and Thrive in College
College. Come January, it’s on the minds of teens across the country as student applications roll out and college letters start rolling back in. In an effort to guide this year's seniors through the exciting yet challenging transition to college life, recent TDHS graduates returned to The Dalles High School (TDHS) to share what they've learned from navigating the real world experience of attending college.
Preparing for tomorrow: CGCCollege engages civic and industry partners
Columbia Gorge Community College (CGCC), in collaboration with local and industry partners, is happy to announce a new grant award and a productive community event that engaged local civic and business leaders in guiding the school’s strategic planning.
Community Resources Offer Classes on Employment, Health and Finances
This month, we're highlighting several important community initiatives and programs. From new opportunities for youth and adults to essential training for healthcare workers and resources for families, there's valuable information available for all. We encourage you to read on and find out how you can participate in or benefit from these offerings. Stay informed and get involved in making our community a better place for everyone.
Newest Board members sworn in at White Salmon Valley School District
White Salmon Valley School District swears in new board members, and it’s quite an eclectic mix with decision makers coming from backgrounds including filmmaking, public health and speech pathology.
Native Dances bring a heartbeat to Chenowith Elementary
Giant hammering beats followed rhythmic cadence in the drum circle as Nick Reyes, Wesley Walsey and Ted Walsey brought the gym to life.
TDHS Marching Ensemble raises baton, tests their brass at Northwest Competition
Starting in mid-August, these kids devote hundreds of hours throughout the season to perfect 5 minutes on the field. And it paid off. This year, The Dalles High School Marching Ensemble took this practice to the next level for the first time in the school’s history.
Column: Local Grads Make the World A Better Place Episode 10; Meet Russell Spino
Besides his wife, Jennifer, there were others who had a significant influence on Russell Spino’s life at TDHS. Mr. Rolen, Mr. Radford, and Mr. Kramer were always there for him. He’s grateful they encouraged him to finish high school. These men all believed in him and that made him believe in himself.