Bickleton/Big Horn Fire Evacuation Update, July 23, 4 p.m.: Klickitat County

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The Dalles, Ore., July 23, 4 p.m. — Evacuation levels have changed in the fire near Bickleton, Wash., in Klickitat County as more than 100 personnel are fighting the 13,000-plus acre blaze. 

Evacuation Levels: 

As of 7/23/2024 at 12:30 PM and most current:  

Level 3 "GO NOW" for North of Alder Creek, West to Crider Valley, East to Peterson; and from East Road to Sand Ridge Rd to the East and Alder Creek south to the  Columbia River.  

Level 2 "GET SET" for Middle Rd to the West, Coleman Rd to the North, Klickitat  County Line to the East; and from Sand Ridge Rd to the Klickitat County Line. 

Level 1 "GET READY" Evacuation for North of Coleman Rd to Stegeman and Van Horn,  West to East Rd, East to Klickitat County Line.

The cause of the fire remains listed as undetermined said Spokesperson Hanna Cleverly with the Southeast Incident  Management Team. 

“Right now we have about 4 strike teams working,” she said, noting each team averages 16 firefighters. “There are two dozers and engine companies. We have air assets as well.”

One firefighter suffered from smoke inhalation on Monday, July 22 and thus far no structures have been lost based on the best information available, she said.