Learning to Lead Program Continues for Third Year to Empower Teen STEM Leaders
The ‘Learning to Leads’ program will continue for a third year due to a Career Connected Learning grant awarded to the Columbia Gorge STEM Hub from the Oregon Community Foundation. The grant will continue to allow the Columbia Gorge STEM Hub, in partnership with Oregon State University and Wasco County 4-H, to hire high school students in Hood River, Gilliam, and Wasco Counties to serve as Teen STEM Leaders for the 2024-2025 school year.
Klickitat County Concerned Citizens present 'Radical Far-Right Sheriffs' on Sept. 28
This presentation will cover the ongoing efforts of far-right radical groups to recruit local sheriffs into their extremist movements and organize law enforcement officers to undermine our democracy and the rule of law.
WAGAP Energy Assistance phone lines open October 1
Beginning October 1 at 8:00 a.m., Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) will begin taking calls to schedule appointments for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for low-income residents in Skamania and Klickitat counties who need assistance paying their heating bills.
Bargeway bringin' the Brothers tonight; Gorge Giggin' guide flung far & wide
Brothers Reed stitchmetal, reggae, rock, punk, country, and funk, into the root of their seamless folk-style tonight for Waterfront Wednesday at the Bargeway Pub, 6:30 p.m. And if you like that fusion, light the fuse on this entertainment bomb that ignites the Gorge every week.
TD Grad proposes 29-lot subdivision above hospital; Views... epic
Jason Alford, 45, said he and his grandfather and former TD Mayor Donnell Smith began talking about the property overlooking the Adventist Health Hospital in East The Dalles about 15 years ago. Plans for the “high-quality subdivision” with 2,000—to 2,500-square-foot homes are now just falling into place.
Getting Jacked Up
Victor Herrera was putting the muscle to his jackhammer today on East 8th Street as he and fellow workmates took out some concrete stairs on a 1922 Arts and Crafts bungalow in preparation for replacing them.
Whisky Creek Daily Fire Update Sept. 17
The Whisky Creek Fire is in steep and rugged terrain within the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness in the Mt. Hood National Forest. The fire remains within the control lines along the southern and eastern edges. The Eagle Creek Fire scar continues to be a barrier along the western and northern edges of the fire.
'Squatter' charged with arson in 18,000-acre blaze near Dufur, at large after failing to show for court
The 51-year-old man accused of starting the Larch Creek Fire near Dufur is currently wanted on an arrest warrant after he failed to show up at Wasco County Circuit Court on Monday, Sept. 16.
Middle-aged Couple found deceased in Goldendale home on Friday, Sept. 13; Suicide suspected
A Goldendale couple was discovered dead in their Home on Friday, Sept. 13 and the initial investigation points to a possible suicide as detectives are working to unravel the case, according to a Klickitat County Sheriff’s press release.
Electrical Upgrade will close streets in TD on Sept. 18th
This work will impact East 15th Street between Kelly Avenue and Terrace Drive/Jefferson Street on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Work hours are anticipated to be 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Whisky Creek Fire Daily Update September 16
The Whisky Creek Fire is in steep and rugged terrain within the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness in the Mt. Hood National Forest. The fire remains within the control lines along the southern and eastern edges. The Eagle Creek Fire scar continues to be a barrier along the western and northern edges of the fire.
Four Rivers Family Gives Out Over 75 Backpacks to Preschoolers Entering Kindergarten
Four Rivers Family Early Learning & Parenting Hub filled and delivered over 75 backpacks with school supplies for local children graduating from Preschool Promise sites. Preschool Promise sites are located throughout Four Rivers Family 5 county region, Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler counties.
Announcing Housing Production Strategy Open House and Survey
The City of The Dalles invites the community to participate in a Virtual Open House and survey for the Housing Production Strategy (HPS). This initiative, driven by a new state requirement, aims to develop a comprehensive plan to guide and support housing development in our city.
Whisky Creek Fire Update Sept. 13
The Whisky Creek Fire is in steep and rugged terrain within the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness in the Mt. Hood National Forest.
HRPD Officer's DUI Stop Results in Large Drug Seizure and Arrests
On September 7th, 2024 an Officer with HRPD stopped a vehicle for exceeding the posted speed limit. During the contact, the officer who has received specialized training in the arena of controlled substance impairment, observed several signs of impairment exhibited by the driver.
Whisky Creek, Sandstone and Blister Creek Fire Update – Sept. 11
The fire grew minimally yesterday with the most activity on the south flank in the headwaters of Herman Creek. Firefighters filled portable water tanks by pumping water from Wahtum Lake up the hose lay along the southeast flank.
Sending Off To Soar: The Dalles Cross Country Start Season
Before every season as a coach, I do a mental inventory of what worked last time and what to keep for the next. Sharpies for labeling hoodies that will otherwise end in a jumble at the end of a race: check. More water than you think you need on hot days: check. Extra rolls of tape. Double-checking bus availability. Olive oil for brownies.
Adams Creek Cohousing Moves Into Hood River Community
Adams Creek Cohousing (ACC) has officially become the first cohousing community in Hood River!! We welcome members of the media to come tour our beautiful site and interview members to help spread the word about this unique community.
Bargeway goes deep with lineup; Jeff Martin plays Wednesday; Gorge Giggin' Guide
Jeff Martin of Texas brings his Country/Folk and deep lyrics to the stage at Bargeway this week for Waterfront Wednesday, Sept. 11. His song Quiet Man might send a tingle or two down your spine. Plug in and turn it up with this week's epic journey into all things awesome in this Giggin' Guide.
TD Council to consider removal of park district's permanent cut of room tax
Local room tax is currently relied on to pay for basic maintenance at local parks. Its loss could lead to having to cut services. The suggested change, which would require annual money requests from city council is coming at a time when local surveys show that residents put parks at a high priority, wanting more, not less.