Winter Storm Preparedness: Stay Safe and Warm with These Tips

From North Central Public Health District:

By Shellie Campbell

The Dalles Ore. January 10, 2024 — With a winter storm bringing predicted low temperatures and potentially heavy snowfall in the coming days, the public is encouraged to take steps to prepare as much as possible. Please visit North Central Public Health.

District’s website for a wide variety of information, ranging from tips for creating emergency kits for your home and vehicle to ways to avoid hypothermia, frostbite, and carbon monoxide poisoning. You’ll find these helpful links at topics

For those in need of temporary shelter or supply items, please reach out to the Mid-Columbia Community Action Council by completing a service request form at

For tips on preventing freezing pipes, please visit The Dalles Public Works Department information page at

For updated weather information, please visit

Avoid driving if at all possible in snowy or icy conditions. If you must drive, check out driving tips from the Oregon Department of Transportation at

Helpful things you can do in the short term include checking antifreeze levels in your vehicle and creating an emergency kit for your vehicle including items like water, snacks, a shovel, and a flashlight with working batteries.

A home emergency kit should include extra blankets, a battery-powered radio, and non-perishable foods.

(For more information, please contact North Central Public Health District at (541) 506-2600, visit us on the web at or find us on Facebook.)

North Central Public Health District

North Central Public Health District is the only three-county local health department in Oregon. We strive so that one day all people will live in a safe environment free from fear of preventable diseases; that all businesses, organizations and individuals will have access to health information and have the desire to promote and be responsible for a healthy lifestyle for themselves and each other. Our mission is to prevent disease, injury, and disability; to promote health and well being; and to protect our communities by preparing for and responding to public health threats.