Whooping cough spreading in Hood River & Wasco counties; vaccine recommended

From North Central Public Health District:

North Central Public Health District’s (NCPHD) Health Officer Dr. Kathleen Wilder is warning Wasco and Sherman County residents to be aware that pertussis is spreading in the community.

Pertussis, also called whooping cough, is a contagious illness that can cause weeks, or even months, of coughing. Pertussis is most dangerous for children less than 1 year old. This has been a big year for pertussis.

Already this year, more people in Oregon have tested positive for pertussis than in any year since 2018. In the past month, several people in Hood River and Wasco counties tested positive for pertussis.

This is a good time to make sure your family is up to date on all your vaccinations, including pertussis. As always, if you are sick, stay home. If you think you or a family member might have pertussis, see your doctor.

For more information about pertussis and pertussis vaccines, visit www.cdc.gov/pertussis/vaccines or call NCPHD at (541) 506-2600. Visit us on the web at www.ncphd.org or find us on Facebook.

North Central Public Health District

North Central Public Health District is the only three-county local health department in Oregon. We strive so that one day all people will live in a safe environment free from fear of preventable diseases; that all businesses, organizations and individuals will have access to health information and have the desire to promote and be responsible for a healthy lifestyle for themselves and each other. Our mission is to prevent disease, injury, and disability; to promote health and well being; and to protect our communities by preparing for and responding to public health threats.
