Sheriff Songer Hosts Bickleton Town Hall Meeting Oct. 15

From Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office:

By Sheriff Bob Songer

Bickleton, Wa. Oct 7, 2024 — Sheriff Songer will hold another TOWN HALL MEETING on Tuesday, October 15th.  At 7:00 p.m. the Bickleton Community Church located at 211 S Madison in the town of Bickleton, Washington.  

At 7:00 p.m., we will be discussing, the role of the Elected County Sheriff.  At 8:00 P.M. We will also be discussing the pros and cons of the County Commissioners Lori Zoller and Jacob Anderson taking the Jail away from the Sheriff and running the jail under the Klickitat County Board of County Commissioners.

The County Commissioners are in the process of hiring a Director to run the jail and report directly to the Board of County Commissioners on the day-to-day operations of the jail. 

I am given to understand that the Commissioners plan on defunding (Budget Cutting) the Sheriff’s Office and use that money to fund the new jail Director, who will be reporting to the Board of County Commissioners. If this occurred, it would create a high risk for  PUBLIC SAFETY and DEPUTY SAFETY.

In my TOWN HALL MEETING, the citizens attending will be allowed to verbally ask questions and make comments without their questions or comments being screened by a moderator.

My BOSS is YOU, the citizens of Klickitat County, so I hope to see you at the  TOWN HALL MEETING to hear your questions and comments on the above subject matter.

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