Our Klickitat seeks community involvement

5-year grant renewal could bring $625,000 to support youth

By Washington Gorge Action Programs

Klickitat County (February 15, 2023) - Our Klickitat Prevention Coalition is working on a five-year Drug Free Communities (DFC) grant renewal application. If awarded, it would bring $625,000 to Klickitat County in support of youth through its fiscal agent, Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP).

Since 2016, the coalition has been on the side of youth across Klickitat County to prevent substance use and work toward healthy, vibrant, and connected communities. In 2018 the group was awarded its first five-year grant from DFC, a federal program that awards $125,000 per year to support this work.

Over the years, Our Klickitat has engaged in annual youth leadership opportunities, supported a youth council, and promoted campaigns to reduce access to and consumption of substances for youth in Klickitat County.

The coalition is now concluding its fifth year on the original grant award and gearing up to submit for the follow-up five-year grant, which is due in April. Joanna Turner, the coordinator for Our Klickitat, said it took a combined community effort to bring this funding to Klickitat County for the first grant, and she has no doubt that the community can do it again.

“We are looking for community members to join our team as we continue our work and prepare to apply for the next grant application,” Turner said. “We are especially excited to have new youth leaders join us to help share our mission. They provide leadership and offer essential input in working with other local youth.”

To get be eligible to apply, a DFC coalition must include a baseline of leaders representing twelve sectors in their communities:

  • Youth

  • Parents

  • Businesses

  • Media

  • School

  • Youth-serving organizations

  • Law enforcement

  • Religious/fraternal organizations

  • Civic and volunteer organizations

  • Healthcare professionals

  • State, local, and Tribal governments

  • Other organizations involved in reducing substance use

This DFC outline helps to ensure communities are taking balanced and comprehensive approaches to reduce substance use. Additional community members are always welcome to participate.

“The pandemic put our coalition at risk as students were disconnected from their in-person school environments,” Turner said. “We are rebuilding our team and activities this year, and it is especially important for us to fill our sector roles to meet this basic requirement for DFC grant eligibility. We want to continue to have a positive impact on youth. We encourage folks who want to make a positive impact in our communities to get involved.”

Our Klickitat’s goal is to create sustainable efforts across the county that support youth in rural communities in making healthy choices. Better choices now lead to brighter futures. The group also helps to amplify the local efforts of prevention programs in individual communities such as White Salmon, Bingen, Klickitat, Lyle, and Goldendale.

To participate, email Turner at ourklickitat@gmail.com or call 503-863-7763. The Coalition meets quarterly via Zoom, and more information is available at ourklickitat.org.

Our Klickitat is one of three youth prevention programs operating under Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) throughout Klickitat County. Learn more at https://www.wagap.org/prevention.


Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Action Agency that helps individuals, families, and communities. WAGAP addresses basic human needs, including food, shelter, energy assistance, and more, in Skamania and Klickitat Counties. For more than 50 years, WAGAP has helped people help themselves and reach self-sufficiency. Learn more at wagap.org, or contact WAGAP at (509) 493-2662 or info@wagap.org.

Washington Gorge Action Programs

Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Action Agency dedicated to helping individuals, families, and communities address basic human needs in Skamania and Klickitat Counties. For more than 50 years, the organization has offered support services to help people help themselves and reach self-sufficiency. Learn more at https://www.wagap.org/. For additional information email info@wagap.org or call (509) 493-2662.


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