OLCC Looks to double taxes on liquor, seeking comment, ice and highball glass - wait, not those last two

OLCC seeks input on increasing distilled spirits surcharge

Revenue will go to state’s general fund

Written comments may be submitted until June 5, 2023 at 5 PM

From OLCC:

Public Action: The Board of Commissioners of the Oregon Liquor & Cannabis Commission will accept written public comment on a possible increase of the current 50-cent surcharge on each bottle of distilled spirits to one dollar per bottle. The Commissioners will listen to verbal comments on this potential increase at the April 20, 2023, May 18, 2023, & June 15, 2023, Commission Meetings. 

Verbal Comment: In order to offer verbal testimony at the May 18th Commission meeting, please email laura.paul@oregon.gov by May 16th, 2023 at 5 pm.

To speak at the June 15th Commission meeting, please email laura.paul@oregon.gov by June 13, 2023, at 5 pm. Your name will be placed on the agenda for the meeting you ask to speak at.

Written Public Comment: Per OAR 845-015-0138, the Commission shall consider any written or verbal comments before implementing such a price increase.

Written comments can be submitted beginning April 12, 2023, through June 5, 2023, at 5 PM to:

Laura Paul, Executive Assistant
9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd.
Portland, OR 97222

Commission Action: The Board of Commissioners will vote on the matter at the regularly scheduled June 15th Commission Meeting.


  • The current $0.50 per bottle ($0.25 per mini bottle) surcharge was recently extended through the 2023-25 biennium. The Commission will be considering an additional $0.50 per bottle surcharge ($0.25 per mini bottle) for the 2023-25 biennium.

  • If the surcharge is increased by an additional $0.50 per bottle ($0.25 per mini bottle), it is forecasted to generate an additional $45.2 million for the 2023-2025 biennium. Surcharge revenue is distributed to the State General Fund.

The seven citizen commissioners are the policy-making body of the OLCC. They meet monthly for one day to make decisions on liquor and marijuana licenses, rules, contested case hearings and appointments of liquor store agents. Commission meetings are held every month. Agenda items and meeting information can be obtained on-line at http://www.oregon.gov/OLCC/pages/public_meetings.aspx

Did you know that in the last two years, the OLCC distributed more than $625 million to Oregon's General Fund, Cities, Counties, and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs?  See the distribution of dollars on OLCC's Website.