D21 Education Foundation looking to raise $10k, reports on 2020 impact

From North Wasco County Education Foundation:

North Wasco County Education Foundation Logo .png

The North Wasco County Education Foundation has launched a new Spring Pledge Drive, with a goal of raising $10,000 to bolster their programs that support the North Wasco County School District #21.

As we all know, this past school year has been incredibly difficult for students, teachers, parents, and others in our community. Learning and mental health has suffered tremendously. Yet, with students getting back into the classroom, there is a palpable sense of hope that is in the air, much like the spring blossoms that are starting to bloom.

The Foundation is encouraged by the incredible generosity of The Dalles community and beyond that contributed over $38,000 last year to the COVID Relief Special Fund and the Classroom Mini-Grants raffle. The positive impacts of those dollars can viewed by reading their 2020 Annual Impact Report.

With this springing forth of energy and hope, The North Wasco County Education Foundation just launched a new spring pledge drive with a goal of raising at least $10,000 towards the following programs:

  • Expand their Classroom Mini-Grants program, which offers small grants of up to $500 for educators to bring creative, innovative, and necessary projects to their classrooms to enhance learning. The Foundation provided seven of these grants in the fall of 2020 and will provide eight of them in the spring of 2021. They want to offer even more of these grants to make a much bigger impact.

  • Launch a new Golden Apple Awards program to provide meritorious awards to two teachers, one classified, and one administrative staff person that shows exemplary leadership, effort, creativity, and compassion in their work. They will award four outstanding individuals each year in late spring.

  • Enhance the capacity of the Foundation to fundraise and write grant applications to bring even more resources into school district #21.

The deadline to donate to this fundraiser is May 1, 2021. Tax-deductible donations can be made to the Foundation’s Paypal account here or by mailing a check to: 3632 West 10th St., The Dalles, OR 97058.