Klindt Drive and River Rd to Undergo Storm Line Installation by Crestline Construction in TD

Crestline Construction is under contract with Maul Foster & Alongi (MFA), we will be installing a 36” storm line across Klindt Drive and River Rd.

Construction will be periodic from January 2nd, 2024 through January 31st, 2024, and between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:30 pm. This work will take place on weekdays, Monday to Friday.

There will be detours directing traffic around and through the work zones.

The construction may impact local access to your home or business. Delays will be minimal and detour routes may add time to your travel. Please be patient and alert while passing through work zones. Additionally, be sure to watch for all changes to traffic control and the direction of flaggers that you may encounter.

We truly appreciate your patience with this project. Should you have any questions please contact:

General Contractor

MFA: 208-664-7880