Meet the Candidates: Klickitat County Election to Decide School Board Members and Recreation Levy

By Cole Goodwin

Klickitat County, WA - With the August 1, 2023 Primary Election just around the corner, voters in Klickitat County will soon have an opportunity to cast their ballots. The election, set to take place on August 1, will determine new school board members for the Wishram and Lyle school districts. Additionally, voters will have the chance to decide on the Recreational Facilities, Activities, and Swimming Pool Maintenance and Operation Levy proposed by the Central Klickitat County Park and Recreation District.

Eligible voters will receive their ballots on or before July 14, 2023.

Residents are encouraged to participate as the new school board members will play a crucial role in shaping the education and future of the Wishram and Lyle schools. Voters are encouraged to research the candidates thoroughly and make an informed decision.

In addition to the school board election, the Central Klickitat County Park and Recreation District has proposed Resolution 2023-02. This resolution aims to address the maintenance and operation of recreational facilities and activities within the district. The proposed levy, which would replace the expiring levy, calls for a regular property tax levy of $0.29 per $1,000 of assessed property value. If approved, this levy will be in effect from the year 2024 to 2029, ensuring the ongoing maintenance and operation of recreational amenities.

To make the voting process more convenient, drop box locations have been designated throughout the county. Residents of Centerville can drop off their ballots at 2288 Centerville Hwy., on the north side of the Centerville Grange. In Dallesport, the Community Center parking lot at 136 6th St. will serve as a drop-off point. Goldendale residents have two options, either the corner of S. Columbus Ave. & W. Court St. or inside the Auditor's Office at 205 S. Columbus Ave., Room 203. Lyle residents can use the drop box located in the Lions Club parking lot at the intersection of 5th St. and Hwy. 14. Finally, Wishram residents can drop off their ballots at Park Place, north of the Historic Locomotive.

As the Primary Election approaches, residents are encouraged to exercise their right to vote and have their voices heard. The outcome of the election will have a significant impact on the education system and recreational facilities within Central Klickitat County. Make sure to mark your calendars, research the candidates, and submit your ballots on time to make a difference in your community.

To register to vote visit
Voters pamphlets are available here or by visiting

Meet the Candidates

Lyle School District # 406 | Board Position #4 | 2 yr unexpired term (Nonpartisan Office)

Marc Harvey
No photo submitted
Position: Lyle School District # 406 | Board Position #4 | 2 yr unexpired term (Nonpartisan Office)
Experience: Former Klickitat County Port Commissioner, Lyle Community Council, OLESS board.
Other Professional Experience: Klickitat County Citizens Review Committee for Salmon Recovery Funds, MCED, Mid Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group board member
Education: BA Prescott College
Community Service: Volunteer at Gorge Youth Mentorship program

Statement: When I first joined the Lyle School Board, my priority was to help the school return to normal from the pandemic disruption. Since then our board has been successful at selling the Dallesport property to the DNR for a regional fire control hub and bidding out a new HVAC and roof system. As with any new position, it takes time to learn the organization. If elected, I plan to work with the other board members to create a long term vision and establish long-term goals.

Judy Ware

Position: Lyle School District # 406 | Board Position #4 | 2 yr unexpired term (Nonpartisan Office)
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: No Information Submitted
Education: Bachelor of Arts Human Development
Community Service: Volunteer at Lyle School District

Statement: My past work experience has always involved students, from grade school level to high school, and more recently, as a tutor to students at Washington State University in Vancouver Washington. I have volunteered at Lyle School District for a few years now. Having met and gotten to know some of the staff, I am impressed with the genuine concern they have for helping students to succeed. I would like to serve on the school board to provide further impetus and resources for the continued success of the Lyle School District.

Kathi L. Green
No photo submitted
Position: Lyle School District # 406 | Board Position #4 | 2 yr unexpired term (Nonpartisan Office)
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: G&R Trucking - Bookkeeper; Columbia River Bank - Teller; Administrative Assistance - Annala, Corey, Baker & Thompson Law Office; Self-employed - Nutritionist; Dakine - Midwest Account Manager for the US & Canada; Four Peaks - Fish Migration monitor
Education: Portland Community College - Accounting (Post-secondary coursework) South Puget Sound Community College - Certification in Nutritional Therapy
Community Service: No Information Submitted

Statement: I am your at large school board candidate, representing all parents, students, and voters in the Lyle School District. Our students need to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. I want to see our school system make a shift and become more transparent with better communication between school representatives and parents. If elected, I will hold quarterly town hall meetings so parents and community members can share their concerns about our schools and ideas on how to fix them, your input is of value, I want to hear from you.

Wishram School District # 94 | Board Position #2 | Nonpartisan Office

Jason Blodgett
No photo submitted
Position: Wishram School District # 94 | Board Position #2 | Nonpartisan Office
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: No Information Submitted
Education: No Information Submitted
Community Service: No Information Submitted
Statement:No Information Submitted

George Stockoff
No photo submitted
Position: Wishram School District # 94 | Board Position #2 | Nonpartisan Office
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: No Information Submitted
Education: Bachelor of Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon; Master of Divinity, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky Elected Experience
Community Service: Reserve Police Officer, Falls City, Oregon; Reserve Deputy Sheriff, Clackamas County, Oregon; Volunteer Chaplain, Portland, Oregon Police Bureau

Statement: Public schools exist to prepare kids to be self-supporting, contributing members of society. Wishram school is working toward this end. Some elements of society want schools to focus on indoctrination rather than education. Public schools are not the place for far left or far right activists to promote their political or social agendas. Schools must stick to education – reading, writing, math, history, science, etc – and not push controversial issues like LGBT, racism, or socialism. Instead of telling our kids what to think about such things, schools should teach them to think independently and to make their own decisions

Betsy Barnhart

Position: Wishram School District # 94 | Board Position #2 | Nonpartisan Office
Elected Experience: No Information Submitted
Other Professional Experience: Secondary Math Teacher, Ele mentary Teacher, Partner in Log Home Construction business (office, accounting, payroll, and blueprints), Crescent Water Board Member, Credit Retrieval Program Teacher
Education: Bachelor of Science: University of Oregon, Elementary teaching degree: Eastern Oregon University, Master's Degree in Educational Technology: American College of Education Community Service Meals on Wheels, Crescent, OR. (2 years), COVID aid: food distribution program, Wishram (summer 2020)
Statement: I’m running for Wishram School Board position #2 because as Wishram's former math teacher, I feel I have a unique and balanced perspective regarding the needs of the students, staff, and community. I understand how important our children’s education is, academically, physically, emotionally, and socially. After being a partner in a construction business, I’m also familiar with how important it is to work within a budget. In addition, I’m here to listen to you, whether you are a parent, community member, staff member, or student, and will make myself available to you. I humbly ask for your vote.

Artificial intelligence was used in developing this story.

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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