Kiwanis Programs for May 2021

— May 13 Janet Hamada, Executive Director of The Next Door Inc., will share her organizations’ amazing work during the pandemic.

— May 20 Star Tennison, community outreach worker with One Community Health, will tell about the rebuilding of the Lyle Longhouse which was lost in a fire in March 2020— a tragedy for the native people of the area.

— May 27 is club business meeting.

For more information go to or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook. # # #

Karl Vercouteren

Karl Vercouteren came to The Dalles in 1977 to become pastor of United Church of Christ Congregational. Early on he joined Cascade Singers and the Original Courthouse board, reflecting life-long interests in music and history. Since retirement in 2008 he has taken on several projects writing about local history.