Kiwanis programs for December 2024

The Dalles, Ore. Dec. 4, 2024 — Kiwanis meetings are held every Thursday at noon at Spooky’s and visitors are welcome. This week’s events include:

— On Dec. 4 Col. Wright Troubadours, 4th and 5th graders under the direction of Ramona Harwood, present “Christmas Truce of 1914” to Kiwanians and Spooky’s patrons promptly at 12:05 pm.

— Dec. 12 ASPIRE Program at The Dalles High School with Elaine Powrie, program coordinator.

— Dec. 19 Kiwanians ring the bells for Salvation Army (no noontime meeting).

— Dec. 26 No noontime meeting— Kiwanis wishes everyone an exceptional holiday week.

For more information go to or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook.

Karl Vercouteren

Karl Vercouteren came to The Dalles in 1977 to become pastor of United Church of Christ Congregational. Early on he joined Cascade Singers and the Original Courthouse board, reflecting life-long interests in music and history. Since retirement in 2008 he has taken on several projects writing about local history.