HR-WS Bridge Replacement Project Seeks Members for Aesthetics Committee

From Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Replacement Project:

By Anna Marum

White Salmon, Wash. December 15, 2023 – The Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Replacement Project is moving into the design phase for the new bridge and is seeking members of an advisory committee to help guide this work.

Bridges are long-lasting, highly visible, and often important landmarks with strong character. In this spirit, the Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Aesthetics Committee will have the opportunity to generate ideas and concepts for new bridge aesthetic treatments (aka design features) that will be compiled in an Aesthetics Guidance Memorandum.

The bridge design team will use the memorandum as a guide as it makes choices that affect the appearance of the bridge, ensuring that the design expresses the region’s unique cultural identity and reflects the exceptional natural beauty of the Columbia Gorge.

The project team is seeking four members of the public (two from Oregon, and two from Washington) to serve on the committee along with representatives from various agencies in relevant fields.

Those who have never served in a similar role are encouraged to apply, as the project team wants a variety of voices and perspectives contributing to the committee process.

The committee is expected to meet four times between January and June 2024. These meetings may be held in person, virtually, or in a hybrid format, depending on the needs of the committee members.

Learn more and apply:

The application and committee details are available at aesthetics-committee

Para ver esta información en español entrar en la página web y seleccione el botón de arriba “English” para cambiar la página a español. O llame al 971.226.9116.

Applications are due 5 p.m. Jan. 3, 2024.

Those with questions about the application or the committee may contact Stacy Zurcher at 971.226.9116 or

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About the Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Replacement Project: The existing Hood River-White Salmon Bridge is nearing the end of its serviceable life and needs to be replaced as soon as possible to support the communities and economies on both sides of the river. The new bridge will be funded through a combination of federal grants, state funding from both Oregon and Washington and a federal loan repaid by local tolls. Construction is scheduled to start in 2026, with the new bridge opening by the end of 2029. Learn more and sign up for updates at