Election Day: Fill those circles, sign those secrets; don't stop 'til you make the drop

Freshly deputized - Melissa Alvarado, 26 and Anne McAllister, 33, were taking ballots at the drive-through drop off this morning, May 16, next to the Wasco County Courthouse.

By Tom Peterson

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.

Come on people; dig in; grab that pen, and get after it.

It’s election day!

A day that people in autocratic nations can only dream about. Choice - you get to make a choice - you get to have power over the future of how things will turn out by putting the power in the hands of those you prefer.

It’s unusual, and it’s awesome. Grab that pen. Feel that power!

There is still time to fill those circles and drop that ballot.

Members of The Dalles Rotary were taking the hand-offs today at the drive-through drop-off as Wasco County Election Clerk Lisa Gambee provided tips and chocolate chips - cookies that is, made by Melanie Brown. It takes a team!

At the end of Monday, May 15, Wasco County is at 16.92% turnout with 3109 ballots received. In May 2021, we were at 21.1% with 3825 ballots.

In Hood River County, the turnout at the end of Monday was 26.89%.  In May of 2021, we were at 17.27% on the day before election day, said Brian Beebee with Hood River County Dept. of Records and Assessment. 

Do you still need some information on candidates?

Read CCCNews Meet the candidates here: Wasco County and Hood River County.

The Dalles Rotary Club will be doing the Drive-Thru Ballot Collection until 8 p.m. when ballot boxes close. The first Election results will post at 8 p.m., with an update at the end of the night. Wasco County election deadlines can be found on the Current Election page. Links to election results will be available on our Election Results page of the Wasco County website.