Can you hear that Coleslaw calling? Kiwanis Steak Feed in TD on Thursday, Sept. 7

Antoine Tissot serves up a steak at the 2022 Kiwanis Steak Feed at Sorosis Park.

From The Dalles Kiwanis:

By Karl Vercouteren

The 2023 Kiwanis Steak Feed is on for Thursday, Sept. 7 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Sorosis Park in The Dalles, 300 E. Scenic Drive.

All are welcome as this family-friendly event provides a chance to chat with neighbors and friends over a great meal while supporting local nonprofits.

The meal features a locally sourced 8-ounce sirloin steak, baked potato, coleslaw and roll.

A takeout option is available.

Adults & Children 13 & over - $20.00 + $1 online processing fee if you buy online. You can buy one right now. Click here:

Or buy one from a good friend like you have for years. 

All proceeds go towards local programs that serve Children of The Dalles and the Mid-Columbia Region, the list below are some of the local programs The Dalles Kiwanis support:

  • Reading/Book Program

  • Head Start Book Program and Picnic

  • Challengers Little League Picnic

  • Gary B. Honald Santa Fund

  • Annual Children’s Fair

  • Gorge Youth Mentoring

  • Community Back Pack Program

  • Ronald McDonald House (pop can tabs)

  • Distinguished Young Women

  • The Dalles High School Band

  • PNW District Project:
    “Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program (KDCCP)

  • Kiwanis International Project:
    “Elimnate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanuse”

  • PNW Foundation Project:
    “Pocket Park Improvements on Riverfront Trail.”

KIWANIS PROGRAMS FOR SEPTEMBER: Kiwanis meetings are held every Thursday at noon at Spooky’s and visitors are welcome. This week’s events include:

— Sept. 7 Steak Feed, 5-7 p.m. at Sorosis Park (no noon meeting)

— Sept. 14 is the CASA program with Christopher Janetzko, Executive Director.

— Sept. 21 is Neita Cecil on the NCPHD Tobacco Cessation project.

— Sept. 28 Davina Craig brings update on YesDHS PAC.

For more information go to or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook.

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