Education chair urges voters to take advantage of $5.5 million with college bond
I am writing to voice my strong support for Coumbia Gorge Community College Bond Measure 33-111, which will be on the ballot next month. As a 15-year resident of The Dalles, I have seen the positive effects of having a strong local community college in our community and on our regional economy. As a member of CGCC's Board of Education, I understand how our Columbia Gorge communities will benefit with passage of this bond.
Voting yes for Columbia Gorge Community College will not raise our taxes and
will grant our community college the means to maintain and enhance its ability to provide high quality accessible education and workforce training opportunities for students of all ages in our region. This $13 million bond would keep the current tax rate of $0.27 per $1,000 of assessed property value and, if passed, secure an additional $5.5 million in state matching funds, bringing the total benefit to CGCC of $18.5 million.
Before introducing this bond, the college did a thorough needs assessment for both The Dalles and Hood River campuses. A survey polling its faculty, staff, students and community partners helped to prioritize the list of needed capital projects. The clear results were that campus safety, better learning technology, and updating the older buildings with more efficient systems - from HVAC to Wi-Fi, are most needed in order for the college to continue to grow its ability to serve our community.
This bond measure was written carefully to bring in enough taxpayer investment to secure a significant matching grant from the state with no tax increase, and still be enough to complete the highest priority campus safety, technology, and infrastructure updates in The Dalles and Hood River.
I urge my fellow community members to vote in favor of Bond Measure 33-111.
Let's come together to support the future of Columbia Gorge Community College and secure the resources needed for the continued success of our students and community.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kim Morgan
CGCC Board of Education - Chair