Environment, Home Page Columbia Community Connection Environment, Home Page Columbia Community Connection

Column: How does your garden grow?

I'm reminded of my dependence on the sun and rain and plant wisdom. When the bigger world is grim with human violence, the garden provides a peaceful salve against despair. To pull weeds, quench the thirst of new sprouts, and transplant a daisy longing for more sunlight, this is happiness.

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Home Page Columbia Community Connection Home Page Columbia Community Connection

Column: Petmania, If I had a tail to wag, I would

Pippin was about fifty feet ahead of me, his nose to the ground. I finally glanced upward to see what all the noise was about. Five eagles silently circled in perfect formation above Pippin. The tips of their wide wings almost touched as they flew in a tight circle above my little white dog. He weighs thirteen pounds, about the size of a  large rabbit or baby lamb, and probably looked like lunch. 

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Art, Home Page, Columns Columbia Community Connection Art, Home Page, Columns Columbia Community Connection

Column: Musings of a Nativity Set Collector

Five years ago as I packed my belongings to move from a large house into a small apartment, I counted over one hundred nativity sets. Good grief. My movers were undocumented refugees from El Salvador and belonged to a local Christian church. When I asked how many families were in their congregation the men shrugged their shoulders but their wives knew. I quickly was able to unload thirty sets. They were delighted, and I was happy too.

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