Wasco Veteran Service Officers at the ready to help with benefits
Wasco County Veterans Service Officer Patrick Wilbern stopped by CCCNews recently. He is reaching out to help Veterans who need assistance accessing benefits from their time in the service. Give his office a call at 541-506-2502.
Veterans Service Officer Patrick Wilbern and Russell Jones can assist veterans with pensions, compensation, access, and Veteran Affairs Healthcare.
Heck, join them for a Veteran Coffee Social at 8 a.m.on the second Tuesday of every month at Kainos Coffee, 418 E. Second St., The Dalles.
Veterans who have served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, and Coast Guard can at times need assistance in accessing benefits they earned while working to further the interests of the United States of America. These two gentlemen are here to assist in those efforts.
Wilbern and Russell work at the Wasco County Veterans Services office in the former transit station at 201 Federal St., The Dalles, just north of the Tony’s Town and Country building.
Their hours are 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
You can also reach Patrick with comments or questions by email at patrickw@co.wasco.or.us and Russell at russellj@co.wasco.or.us