Wasco County Cultural Trust Grants available for arts, humanities and heritage

From Wasco County Cultural Trust Coalition:

Wasco County Cultural Trust Coalition opens grant cycle for 2023. 

Grants are available to individuals and organizations for projects in the arts, humanities and heritage. Applications and guidelines can be found on the website:


The deadline for applications is February 17, 2023.

Monies for these grants come from the Oregon Cultural Trust, a unique state entity that fosters art and culture throughout the state. 

Oregon Cultural Trust receives its funds from sale of cultural trust license plates and donations. Make a donation to any cultural nonprofit in Oregon and make a matching donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust. 

The Oregon Cultural Trust donation is a tax credit on your Oregon state income tax.

Limit of $500 for an individual and $1000 for a couple.

For more information:

Corliss Marsh: corlissmarsh@gmail.com

Serena Smith: serenajasmith@gmail.com