Wasco County Commissioners Approve Google Community Service Fee Agreement, and proclaim May 6th Child Care Provider Appreciation Day,

Meet the Wasco County Commissioners: Steve Kramer, Scott Hege and Chair Kathy Schwartz

Welcome to Quick & Easy Wasco County Commission Update

Get up to date on the recent Wasco County Commission Meeting. The Wasco County Commissioners Meeting held their regularly scheduled meeting at 9 a.m. on April 20th, 2022. 

Watch the meeting: Watch Livestream here.
Read More: April 20th, 2022 Agenda & Board Packet.
Submit public comments: Your County, Your Voice.

The Agenda

Pine Ridge Subdivision Plat

Video Time: 1:54

Wasco County Commissioners signed the finalized Pine Ridge Subdivision Plat. The Pine Ridge Subdivision will add eight buildable lots outside of Wamic, OR. 

Wasco County Proclaims May 6th Child Care Provider Appreciation Day

Video Time: 6:02

Wasco County Commissioners proclaimed May 6th, Provider Appreciation Day. 

Nancy Patten, Director of Child Care Partners also shared that Wasco County has lost several childcare providers due to the pandemic and that the state has stepped in to help provide more childcare. Patten also shared that Columbia Gorge Community College is still moving forward with the process of looking into the feasibility of running a community childcare center at the college. 
Commissioner Steve Kramer delivered the following proclamation:

WHEREAS, Child Care Aware® of America and other organizations nationwide are recognizing Child Care Providers on this day; and 

WHEREAS, over half the children under the age of six nationwide are estimated to spend some time in a nonparental care arrangement on a weekly basis, which provides critical enrichment opportunities and nurtures development for children of all backgrounds and is a vital building block of our economy; and 

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has created tremendous hardship for child care providers and the families of Wasco County who depend on them, who have continued to meet the needs of families while risking their health and financial stability to remain open; and 

WHEREAS, our future depends on the quality of the early childhood experiences provided to young children today; support for high-quality child care represents a worthy commitment to our children’s future. Now therefore, the Wasco County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims May 6, 2022, as Provider Appreciation Day in Wasco County and urge all citizens to recognize Child Care Providers for their important work.

District 21 to get big part of Google Pie with Community Service Fee Agreement

Video Time: 2:43:33

Wasco County Commissioners approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with 11 different taxing districts to share Google community service fee dollars which comes to 25% of Google’s property tax savings with a maximum payment of  $2.5 million annually. 

It appears Wasco County, The City of The Dalles and Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue have come to an understanding on how to split future Google Community Service Fees when and if two new data centers are built near the Port of The Dalles.                       

The agreement essentially provides a road map on how up to $37.5 million would be spent locally over the 20-year deal with Google for tax abatements on the new data centers. 

The money will be split straight down the percentages of 11 different tax districts.

In addition to City, County and Fire,  North Wasco County Parks and Recreation, Port of The Dalles, Wasco County 4-H and Extension, Wasco County Library, Wasco County Soil and Water and Wasco County will receive portions of the money.

But here’s the kicker.

The above taxing districts have also agreed to cut a piece of the pie for North Wasco County School District 21, Columbia Gorge Community College and Columbia Gorge Education Service District., which typically receive funding through the State’s general fund.

This could be a real boone for D21 which is dealing with aged schools that, arguably, need to be replaced. D21 will receive the lion's share of the fee at 30.1%. 

In past months, the City, County and Fire district were at odds about how the money should be broken up, as City and County officials were asking for 50 percent of the money to go toward greater good projects, such as parks or affordable housing, for instance.

However, that could not be agreed upon as the Fire District asked for enough money to add two more staff per shift to help cover increased demand for services. So, the greater good funding was removed from the agreement.

Involved entities will receive aportions of the service fee in the following percentages: 

Wasco County 24.4% 

City of The Dalles 17.3% 

Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue 12.1% 

Wasco County Library District 3.9% 

North Wasco Parks & Recreation 3.9% 

Wasco County 4H and Extension 1.4% 

Wasco County Soil and Water Conservation District 1.4% 

Port of The Dalles 1.2% 

North Wasco County School District 21 30.1% 

Wasco County ESD 2.7% 

Columbia Gorge Community College 1.6%

The intergovernmental agreement must also be approved by all other taxing districts in weeks to come. It will be in front of The Dalles City Council on April 25. 

Background Information: 

The City of The Dalles, Wasco County, and Google LLC entered into a SIP agreement in October of 2021 for the development of two new data center projects located on the former aluminum plant site. Under the agreement and State ORS, each project must pay a Community Service Fee each year a project receives an abatement that is equal to 25% of the taxing savings of that particular year and is capped at $2.5 million. 

PowderPure Resolution

Video Time: 2:34:56

Commissioners approved the continuance of a resolution that adjusted minimum employment levels set forth in an Enterprise Zone Agreement between The County, The City of The Dalles, and with PowderPure, also known as Columbia Phyto Technology. Under the Enterprise Zone Agreement PowderPure is required to maintain employment of 86 employees. However due to labor shortages related to the pandemic PowderPure has been operating with around 54 employees and is running at 28% of capacity. 

PowerPure will also give a presentation to Commissioners about the ways in which the pandemic, the labor shortage, and wage increases have affected the business. 

Elections Modernization Grant

Video Time: 20:49

Commissioners approved a State of Oregon Election Modernization Grant Agreement which will award the County $82,000 to assist the County in upgrading and adding election infrastructure. The funding can be used to add or upgrade tabulation scanners, mail sorters and elections equipment as needed. Is it not to be used for Automatic Signature Verification or ongoing costs like maintenance or support services. 

Funds will be disbursed no later than July 15, 2022.

Columbia River Gorge Commission MOU
Video Time: 13:08

Wasco County Commissioners have approved a new memorandum of understanding between the county and the Columbia River Gorge Commission. The memorandum sets up an annual meeting between the County Commission and the Columbia River Gorge Commission to discuss issues such as the urban growth boundary, economic vitality, and preservation of the landscape. 

“Our goals of economic vitality and to preserve the beauty of the gorge are not mutually exclusive,” said Kathy Schwartz, Commission Chair. 

“This is a new beginning,” said Kramer. 

Planning Commission Codes Compliance Program Update & Revision of Bylaws

Video Time: 43:25

Wasco County Planning gave a presentation on codes compliance.

The Planning Commission also approved an update to their by-laws on April 5, 2022 which received additional approval from the County. 

The main purpose of the bylaws update was to codify the current practice of rotating the Chair and Vice-Chair throughout the seven member commission year after year. 

Other changes to the bylaws include:

  • The commission has also made additions to provide better transparency for what constitutes a quorum and how alternates can fill in for members as needed.

  • Improvements to reference or removing redundant text.

  • The Planning Commission has also proposed to remove a city representative from the PC Selection Committee due to continuity issues.

Public Works: Bridge Design Consulting Services Agreement, Noxious Weed Agreement

Video Time: 1:11:59

Commissioners approved the following:

  • The Consulting Services Contract with Oregon Transportation Professionals to provide a scope of work and prepare funding applications for 15 load-limited bridges located in Wasco County. The proposed work is to provide design services and scoping reports to address issues for 15 load-limited bridges in Wasco County. The contract agreement is valued at $100,000. Under the Wasco County Public Contracting Rules, consultants may be directly appointed without an additional competitive selection process at this funding level. The limits are consistent with those required for ODOT for consultant contracts.

  • A Bonneville Power Administration Interagency Agreement #89497 for Noxious Weed Management to contract the BPA to provide all labor, materials, herbicides, fuel, transportation, and bio-agents to implement noxious weed management activities under their jurisdiction.

Community Outreach Programs Update

Video Time: 1:48:55
Stephanie Krell of Wasco County gave a presentation on what she’s learned about the ZenCity and Bang The Table platforms, which would help the County track community engagement and feedback and increase County transparency. 

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Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.