Tour Time: D21 sets up TDHS tours for Thursday, Sept. 14; Voters to get inside look

From North Wasco County School District:

The Dalles High School Building Tours

North Wasco County School District will be offering drop-in tours of The Dalles High School on Thursday, September 14th from 4-7 p.m., giving voters an inside look at the building.

Tours will occur approximately every half an hour with the first beginning at 4:30 pm and the last taking place at 6:30 pm.  The community is welcome to come in and check out our facility and ask questions regarding the November High School Replacement Bond. 

The bond package, totaling $140 million, was initially projected to require homeowners to pay $3.12 per $1,000 of assessed value of their property. However, a recent analysis conducted by the Piper Sandler Public Finance Team reveals a reduction in the bond rate, now estimated at $2.73 per $1,000.
More information about the school bond can be found here.

North Wasco County School District 21

Educate. Motivate. Graduate.

Mission Statement 

“Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering

them to be healthy and productive citizens.”

Vision Statement

“North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous

and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5%

of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly

effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates

citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential.

North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.”

Board & District Goals

1. Provide a safe and healthy educational environment.

2. Provide curriculum choices that challenge every student.

3. Increase academic achievement district-wide with special emphasis on reading, writing and mathematics gains for each student.

4. Provide involvement strategies that engage all parents. 5. Encourage effective community partnerships.