NCPHD begins Vaccinations for those 75 and Older, Appointments Fill Up in Under an Hour

Those 75 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine from North Central Public Health District. However demand in Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam continues too far exceed NCPHD vaccine supply. Wasco County alone has over 2,100 people who are 75 and older.

NCPHD sent out 700 notifications of eligibility today at 11:45 AM but only 250 vaccination booking slots were available. Appointments were completely booked out to zero scheduling availability within the hour. NCPHD uses the Moderna vaccine, which requires two doses given at least 28-42 days apart. The vaccine is 95 percent effective against COVID illness.

North Central Public Health District has asked for continued patience and perseverance on behalf of those seeking vaccination as NCPHD expects to get another shipment of vaccines soon although exact dates are unknown at this time.

“Everyone who wants a vaccine will get one, but it will take many weeks to vaccinate our older population.” said the NCPHD in a press release. “We recognize there are more people eligible than available vaccines. We know this can be frustrating, but we ask the public to bare with us through this process and be persistent about checking for openings.”

Obtaining a vaccine through the health department is a two-step process.
1. First, people are asked to place themselves on our vaccine eligibility notification list. (The eligibility form is online, and the link to it can be found HERE.)

2. Once you are on the notification list, when your group becomes eligible for vaccine you will be emailed a link to our online booking system.

How to Get Help Signing Up

The online booking system has been instrumental in allowing NCPHD to serve Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam Counties in getting their vaccinations as quickly and safely as possible. However NCPHD recognizes that some may have trouble accessing the online system. They have called upon the community to support those seeking vaccinations that may not have access to technology or have limited tech skills.

“Recognizing that older people may not have internet or email, or may not be tech savvy, we encourage the community to reach out to their older relatives, friends and neighbors to see if they need help signing up for this notification,” said NCPHD.

Mid-Columbia Senior Center has graciously offered to help seniors with no internet to book an appointment. Mid-Columbia Medical Center volunteers are calling their senior patients to offer help with the process. Mid-Columbia Senior Center can be reached by calling 541-296-4788.

For help getting a ride to the vaccine appointment:

Seniors can call the LINK dial-a-ride at 541-296- 7595 for a door-to-door ride, which costs $1.50 each way. Seniors can also ride on a fixed route, also for $1.50 each way, which makes a stop at Building 3 on the nearby Columbia Gorge Community College campus and they could then walk to the Fort Dalles Readiness Center where the vaccine clinics occur.

For more information, please visit COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon or contact North Central Public Health District at (541) 506-2600 or visit them on the web at or

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.