Elks well on way to raising $10k for Meals on Wheels

CCCNews recently intercepted The Dalles Elk’s Lodge #303 December Newsletter.
And we discovered this little gem on the second page.
We found it uplifting; we thought you might too:


“As you probably know, Meals on Wheels is a pet charity for our lodge. Our Exalted Ruler, Mark Watts has put out a challenge to our members. Raise $10,000 to give to Meals on Wheels just in time for Christmas. You may know that Mark Freeman applied for a grant from Grand Lodge for $7,500, and we won! So, we are a long way toward making our goal. Mark Odegaard donated $200 for this great charity. Poker Players have donated $608 thus far for the year. That brings us up to 84% of the goal! Please help us move the thermometer up with donations. Every little bit counts!

The Dalles Elks Lodge #303 and The Dalles Eagles #2126 are located at 2006 W. Seventh St.

You can find them here on Facebook.