The Dalles UAP Sighting: A Witness Speaks Out after ‘Insane’ Encounter

By Robin

The Dalles, OR — Driving along looking at the snow-covered orchards along Steel Road, local resident “Bob” witnessed something he can’t explain. “They move so fast when they leave. It’s sitting there, and then they’re gone. That’s… it’s kind of hard to explain other than looking at light,” Bob explained. For privacy and safety, the individual’s (Bob) identity has been verified but is not disclosed in this report. “I saw a few (UAP) the other night over the orchards,” Bob recounted. “They looked to be over Three Mile and Steel Road, but in a split second, they seemed to have moved toward the BPA station off Highway 197. Three of them total — two red and one white. No strobing lights at all. They were about 300 feet up and maybe 300 or so feet apart. My path took me behind the hill on Three Mile Road, so I lost sight, but they were very bright and very fast. Hypersonic speed, to say the least. Almost teleported to the next spot.”

This wasn’t Bob’s first encounter. He says he saw something eerily similar in 2015 after returning from Europe. He was in the passenger seat, with his ex wife driving him after picking him up from PDX, “Saw them in exactly the same spot in 2015. I come into town at 1:30 am. Same spot. Same outcome. Shot up and out of stuff at shooting star speed,” he said.

Taken over Tan Antonio Texas, December 2024

Bob’s account aligns with an increasing number of sightings across the United States, the United Kingdom, and other parts of the world. Bob also reflected on their connection to infrastructure, noting, “When people see them, they think those things are charging up over substations and power lines. They go straight up, along Three Mile Sky.” From RAF Lakenheath in England to rural Oregon, reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have surged in recent months, with witnesses describing lights and objects exhibiting advanced flight characteristics far beyond known human technology.

The view from where Bob spotted the UAP.

A Recent Timeline of UAP Events

  • November 2024: Residents near RAF Lakenheath in the UK report a dozen unidentified objects performing synchronized maneuvers near U.S. military installations. The Ministry of Defence and U.S. Air Force launch joint monitoring efforts but remain tight-lipped about findings.

  • December 2024: In New Jersey, mysterious objects are seen hovering silently over critical infrastructure. Witnesses describe their movement as “instantaneous” and “hypersonic.” The FAA imposes flight restrictions and warns of “deadly force” if drones threaten public safety, though no operators are identified.

  • December8th 2024: Commercial airline pilots over Oregon report colorful lights darting across the sky at speeds far exceeding conventional aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration acknowledges these reports but offers no explanation. Link to recording

  • December 17, 2024: Military installations across the United States report increased drone and UAP activity. Bases in the Midwest and on the East Coast describe objects exhibiting “almost teleportation” and hypersonic flight characteristics.

  • December 18, 2024: The Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) issues a statement acknowledging the recent increase in sightings but provides no definitive explanations. Officials cite national security concerns as investigations continue.

Image from a video taken in Curibita, Brazil, 2024

Government Response and Public Debate

While the U.S. and UK governments have taken steps to investigate UAP sightings, public skepticism about transparency remains high. In 2022, the Pentagon established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to investigate UAP incidents systematically. AARO’s findings, however, have been inconclusive, fueling speculation about extraterrestrial involvement.

The public response is divided. Some argue that these sightings could be experimental aircraft or advanced drones developed by foreign adversaries. However, incidents like the Chinese surveillance balloon over North America earlier this year — a slow-moving, detectable craft — have raised doubts about the technological capabilities of ‘Earth-based’ adversaries. As Bob's account and many others suggest, the objects seen recently demonstrate capabilities far exceeding any known propulsion systems.

Key Evidence and Speculation

Eyewitness accounts describe UAPs as silent, highly maneuverable, and capable of hypersonic speeds with instantaneous directional changes. Bob's observation of “almost teleportation” echoes reports from military pilots and civilians alike, who describe objects vanishing from one location and reappearing in another without a discernible trajectory.

The Bigger Picture

As sightings like Bob's continue to emerge, the debate over the nature of UAPs grows. Are they cutting-edge technology developed in secrecy, or do they originate from beyond Earth? For now, Bob and others remain captivated by what they’ve seen, awaiting answers from governments that claim to be as mystified as the public. “Yeah, I believe there was something extraterrestrial or something unexplained because it was just, insane,” Bob concluded.


Robin is a filmmaker and business consultant in her day-to-day work. She’s received 2 NADO economic development awards in partnership with MCEDD, and has worked across The Mid Columbia on projects that build community health, education, and economy.

With most of her time spent working with clients and the technical aspects of CCCNews, Robin only contributes her writing occasionally.