TD Council gives itself a raise in hopes of attracting more diverse candidates
Budget Committee will serve as check and balance
The Dalles City Council voted to increase their montly stipend at its regular meeting on Monday, April 22.
Tom Peterson
The Dalles, Ore., April 26, 2024 - The Dalles City Council voted unanimously to increase monthly payments to themselves at its regular meeting on Monday, April 22.
Councilor Dan Richardson said the increase of a $100 to $400 monthly stipend would help the diversity and number of people seeking election to Council, providing a broader voice for residents.
The payment for the mayor under the proposal increases to $500 per month.
“I was just having a conversation with someone today that is interested in running,” said Councilor Darcy Long. “She’s in her 30s and has two small children… This would cover child care...”
Both Long and Richardson pointed out that the payment could go a long way toward bringing younger people to the council.
Richardson said he was able to sit on the Council because of the seniority and flexibility he has at work and his daughter requires less time as she is now in college.
“But that was not true 10 or 15 years ago,” he said.
The impact of the increase was modest, he added pointing out that Councilors attend multiple meetings per month and issues require hours of study and preparation.
Councilor Tim McGlothlin said he currently incurs expenses as a city councilor that exceed the $100 monthly payment. He also said he donated his payments to charity.
Total impact of the stipend increase will rise from $7,200 annually to $30,000.
Councilors authorized City Manager Matthew Klebes to add the increased amount into the budget for the next fiscal year. Increased payments would start on July 1.
The City’s Budget Committee will review the increase and will have the opportunity to remove it at meetings set for May.
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