Texas Trio Hits Bargeway like a Hurricane on Saturday June 10; Trout Lake, Mosier, Arlington in the mix with music fests
The Bargeway Pub is priming the pump as they bring Texas Trio Powell Brothers to the stage on Saturday. Jim Drake also jumps into music fest previews in Mosier, Trout Lake, and Arlington while also dishing on the lineups for all the local venues Gorge-wide. Check it all out here.
Kicking it off: Hit Machine tonight at Bargeway Pub; Comedians to kill at Granada
Hit Machine Acoustic Duo is on tap at the Bargeway Pub tonight, May 17 starting at 6 p.m., and then pick any venue you want - there is a lot going on. Drum Circles, Comedians, Film even the bouzouki duo Murray and Magill at Herbring House in TD on Sunday, May 21. Check-in, pick and win. Oh, bouzouki? Right. It’s a stringed Greek instrument in the lute family. But not the Lutefisk family! Never. I wouldn’t lye.