Honoring Dedication: Golden Apple Awards Shine Light on Exceptional Educators
For the fourth year in a row, the North Wasco County Education Foundation solicited nominations for their Golden Apple Awards. These awards recognize excellent teachers and other staff in the North Wasco County School District. The program was created to incentivize excellence and honor outstanding staff.
As TDHS's Disrepair is Highlighted - Projected Bond Rate of New School Is Reduced - Video
An unseen crisis motivates the school bond measure for high school rebuild. Join us for an inside look at the deteriorating state of TDHS, and find out how your vote could transform the future of local education.
Big Names in LaFond, Eddy, Huskey and Chance - They will be missed at TD schools
For some kids today is just the end of the school year, but for some staff, it is their last. D21 officials recognized four employees from local elementary schools that have made lasting impacts on the youth of this community. Read more about them and their amazing contribution here.
Foundation provides $10k in grants to Stevenson Carson Teachers
We’ve had tremendous response to our Fall 2020 fundraising effort and are able, for the first time ever, to offer classroom grants to SCSD teachers. It has $10,000 available.