Art at The Heart pitches mural at Ekone ballpark
The selected artist will create a 9-foot by 40-foot mural celebrating Little League baseball, incorporating the Goldendale Little League logo. The project aims to enhance a key community space while supporting local artists.
Strike Two in TD: Little Art City gets another mural in less than a week
Make that a double! Art is getting completely out of control in downtown TD. Two murals in two weeks now add to the 15 that went up last summer. We at CCCNews believe we have now met critical mass. Who knows where this might end up? At the paint store, at minimum.
Little Art City strikes again: von Borstel mural dives deep into farming history
The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 25, 2023 - Mural artists from three different states converged on The Dalles this morning as they are bringing another lively piece of art into being on a downtown building, adding to the 15 murals that Walldogs painted a year ago in the downtown core.
Vandal erases Black Lives Matter mural in Goldendale; youth feel unsafe
The recent reaction to a Black Lives Matter mural at the Washington Gorge Action Programs office in Goldendale have some disheartened and afraid. Painters of the mural endured verbal attacks during the painting and the mural was later erased by an unknown person. Read more here.