Kiwanis programs loaded for February: issues of houselessness, law enforcement, downtown revitalization
The Dalles Kiwanis Club will feature speakers Darcy Long-Curtis on the homeless shelter project, Sheriff Lane McGill and Don Warren with an update on Main Street plans. Meetings are held on Thursdays at noon via ZOOM. Learn more here.
Glowing work brings cranes downtown TD Monday, Jan. 11
Joe Gibson, David Benko and Jesse Yankee, left to right, take a look at the signs that will be mounted on buildings downtown The Dalles on Monday. Gibson said up to six cranes will be in operation throughout the central business core as they lift the signs into place.
Coming to a Wall Near You
The City of The Dalles is showcasing The Walldogs teaser mural, which is currently being crafted on 103 E. 3rd St. It’s on the wall facing the parking lot and City Hall. The mural is intended to get the community members excited for what's to come in September 2021. The city is encouraging onlookers to gather, wearing their masks, watch, and interact with the artists as they work.