HR Council moves on Mariposa Affordable Housing on Rand Rd.
Council agreed to the terms of the Purchase Option Agreement with a joint venture with Community Development Partners and Columbia Cascade Housing Corporation. The City of Hood River will provide land at no cost and contribute up to $2,438,595 in funding for water, sewer, and stormwater expenses.
Affordable Housing and Behavioral Health Lead Needs in Local Survey
The 2024 CHA found that the lack of affordable housing and access to medical and behavioral health care, ranging from adequate services of all care types to workforce development opportunities, are opportunities to improve health across Wasco and Hood River Counties.
Housing Corp to purchase Rhine Village in White Salmon for affordable housing
Scott Clements, President of Columbia Cascade Housing Corporation, said, “with the apartment homes at risk of converting to market, we’re excited to acquire the property from the current owners, and bring resources to the table to address the much needed physical improvements.”