Shannon’s Trivia Winner: Creed riding the winner’s train
By Tom Peterson with help from Victor Johnson
The Dalles, Ore., July 22, 2024 — A lot of you went riding the rails this weekend as you sat down in the memories of this famous little train.
We asked at what restaurant was it located, and what was its purpose.
The answers came chugging along like side rods spinning the wheels.
There were 21 correct answers including our own Sheriff, Lane Magill.
So, we took those entries to the roundhouse and pounded the names and numbers as flat as a penny left on the tracks.
We put those pennies in our hobo bag of chance and boiled it in our Buddy Burner until the train pulled out, and we ran halfway down the tracks reaching for the last open car.
Ian Creed was inside the door holding out a hand like a magician. In his palm was the penny, lucky number 17 - our train hoppin’ winner.
“Burgerville. It used to sit in the lobby as a place for children to sit in while eating with their families,” Ian Creed responded in his email, oiling his answer like a hydrostatic compressor lube tech.
Thats right!
And it wasn’t just for kids. Victor Johnson said teenagers including himself used to ride that little train with a cheeseburger and milkshake on Friday and Saturday nights as he and his friends cruised the gut downtown.
Creed’s answer was just one of many that packed the coal car in this trivia game. Kelsey Dobo, Tracy Keyser, Amy Ellis, Troy Haskins, Terri Wood, Ellen Walker, Jon Chavers, Lynda Ontiveros, Harry Larsen, Nicole Hughes, Dayle Nagel, Anne Huteson, Kathy Dawkins, Laura Mcglothlin, Tanya Barrett, Barbara - AKA boofitz, Jessie Duarte, Lisa Albrecht, and, of course, our Sheriff all got it right.
That’s a full train and it looked all black, well stacked, goin' down the track clickity clack.
Trivia Engineer Creed enjoy your $25 gift certificate, courtesy of Shannon’s Ice Cream. We’re suggesting you couple up to that Ice Cream Crepe. All aboard!
Here’s to you Ian Creed! Shannon’s Ice Cream 318 E. Fourth Street, scooping the dream daily from noon to 9 p.m. It’s across the street from the Civic Auditorium. Look for the boneshaker out front.