Senator Bonham to Host Listening Session on MCCAC Turnkey Project 2.0 Tonight March 3rd

Senator Daniel Bonham

By Cole Goodwin

Yesterday, March 2nd, The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce announced that Oregon Senator Daniel Bonham will host a listening session at the Last Stop Saloon in The Dalles, OR on Friday, March 3rd at 5:30 p.m. 

The listening session will  public comment on Mid-Columbia Community Action Council’s (MCCAC) ongoing efforts to address homelessness in the region, MCCAC’s participation in Project Turnkey 2.0, the local housing crisis, and the state of houselessness in region.

Lisa Farquharson, Executive Director of The Dalles Area Chamber said that Bonham had called the listening session following conversations with concerned business owners. 

“He wants to hear from the community. Now is the time for you to speak up and share your opinions or concerns with our local representation,” said the Chamber in their press release. 

Those who cannot attend are encouraged to write Senator Bonham an email containing their public comment which can be sent to:

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.