School is Back on in TD tomorrow morning, Aug. 29th; Drivers should use extra caution

Kindergartners were having some fun today at Chenowith Elementary as District 21 held an orientation day for kindergarten, sixth grade and ninth grade. All grades will be in class starting tomorrow, Aug. 29.

All photos taken Aug. 28, 2023 from Stephanie Bowen, director of communications and community engagement at North Wasco County School District

Here it comes.

The first day of school for kids in The Dalles.

While Kindergarten, 6th grade and high school freshmen kicked off the 2023-24 school year today, Aug. 28, the entire school body for North Wasco County School District will be back in schools on Tuesday, Aug. 29.

Freshman were relying on a fan for a little comfort today.

It’s a great reminder for drivers to add a little caution tomorrow morning as some kids will be walking to school and additional bus and car traffic will be on the road and around school drop-off sites.

School speed zones are set at 20 miles per hour to ensure students safely make it to their classrooms.


Dufur School Was One of Thirteen Winners in a Statewide Calendar Art Contest


How'd they do that? It seems pear-a-not-normal