Riverside will celebrate Easter Sunrise at Rowena Viewpoint

From Riverside Community Church:

(HOOD RIVER) - From the high Rowena Crest Viewpoint east of Mosier, Riverside Community Church will celebrate the sunrise on Easter morning, Sunday, April 9, at 6:15 a.m., and then return to Riverside for breakfast, followed by morning worship at 10:30 a.m., and Easter Egg hunt after service.

The day caps Holy Week commemorations that begin with Palm Sunday, on Sunday, April 2 at 10:30.

“We have a tradition, as do many Christian churches, of waving palm branches as a symbol of Jesus’s arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey. But this year, we’ve decided instead to wave the greenery that surrounds us in this place, such as ferns and wind-blown fir branches, as a reminder that the Holy One is with us, right here and right now,” Pastor Vicky Stifter said.

On Wednesday, April 5 Riverside will offer a “Circle of Solace” from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., a safe and sacred place to share grief, be it for the world, community or personal loss.

At 7 p.m. on Good Friday, April 7, Riverside’s candlelight service ends in stillness and darkness, the cross shrouded in black. The Chancel Choir and special guest musicians will share music.

All are welcome to attend these Holy Week and Easter services. For more information, check the Riverside web site at www.riversideucc.com.