Police Pursuit Ends in Arrests Near Portland

By Joshuah Albert

The Dalles, Ore., March 4, 2025 – A police pursuit that began early Monday in The Dalles ended with two arrests near Portland after authorities deployed spike strips to stop the fleeing vehicle.

The incident started at 1:20 a.m. on March 3 when officers attempted to stop a silver Dodge Dakota near West Sixth and Pomona streets for failure to yield and missing license plates, according to a report from The Dalles Police Department. The driver did not stop, prompting a pursuit that continued westbound on Interstate 84 at speeds reaching 90 mph.

Hood River County deputies were alerted and positioned spike strips near mile marker 63, though the attempt to stop the vehicle was unsuccessful. Authorities identified the truck as having a Hinkay Auto Trader dealer plate and established reckless driving as probable cause for the chase.

During the pursuit, the driver attempted to brake-check pursuing officers, according to dispatch reports. Wasco County deputies discontinued the chase at mile marker 62, but law enforcement in Multnomah County took over.

At 2:17 a.m., Portland 911 reported that officers successfully deployed spike strips, and by 2:27 a.m., the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office had stopped the vehicle and taken two suspects into custody.

Authorities identified the driver as Brian Tracer Peoples, 46, no address listed, and the passenger as Jessie Lynn Boster Forney.

Further details about charges were not immediately available.

The Dalles Police reports Evidence Recovery on Facebook on March 3 at 8:48 a.m.

Several pieces of suspected stolen personnel property were seized last night as part of a Multi-County Law Enforcement Operation.  Unfortunately, many pieces cannot be connected to their rightful owners. 

We encourage anybody in Wasco, Sherman, and Klickitat Counties and surrounding areas to report any recent thefts and car prowls.

Contact Detective Perez with The Dalles Police Department if you were a victim in a theft over the last few days and have not yet reported it. - TD Police

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