Picture of the Day: Superheroes Unite for Fun Run in The Dalles

By Joshuah Albert

The Dalles, OR. September 23, 2023 - Kiwanis Pocket Park in The Dalles witnessed a spectacular display of superhero spirit today as the "SuperHero Fun Run" took flight. Participants of all ages, decked out in superhero attire, came together for this family-friendly event promoting health and wellness.

The event began at 9:00 am with a scenic run along Klindt Drive's Riverfront Trail. Participants embraced their inner heroes, donning costumes ranging from Superman to Wonder Woman. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes, adding to the excitement.

In addition to the run, the event featured a Healthy Hero Snack Table, a Kids Super-Fun Station, and Diabetes Health Screenings, emphasizing community well-being. Local heroes, including firefighters and police officers, joined the festivities.

The event offered free participation for kids aged 13 and under, group discounts, and even a warm welcome for leashed pets.

All proceeds from the SuperHero Fun Run support local patients on their wellness journey, highlighting the event's community focus.