First Book Continues Serving Hood River and Wasco Counties

by Nancy Johanson Paul of First Book, Hood River and Wasco counties

This year more children in Hood River and Wasco Counties will start the year with books thanks to First Book of Hood River and Wasco County. First Book Hood River County and First Book Wasco County are part of the Team First Book volunteer program within the national First Book organization, whose purpose is to provide a path out of poverty for children through educational equity.

Since 2000, First Book Hood River has grown its partnership to include more than 19 organizations (such as The Next Door Family Services, MCCC, OCDC Head Start, Title I schools, and after-school enrichment programs) and provided over 55,392 books to local children, according to their website. In 2022 alone, First Book Hood River provided 870 children with books and granted $11,053 to seven local organizations. 

In Wasco County, First Book has partnered with over seven organizations to bring more than 8,923 books to local children since 2019, according to their website. In 2022, First Book Wasco County provided 538 children with books and granted $6,139 to four local organizations.


Book clubs in both Hood River and Wasco County are being asked by the First Book Advisory Boards to donate funds once a year to First Book Wasco County or First Book Hood River County to encourage low-income children to strengthen their literacy skills and to develop a love of reading.

To reach local families, First Book partners with many local schools and organizations. For example, OCDC Migrant Head Start promotes parents as a child’s first teacher and partners with First Book to provide books that allow parents to engage in language and literacy building with their children at home. 

Additionally, the EXCEL After School Program brings books into students' homes to complement classroom time by pairing reading opportunities with parents, grandparents, and other family members in areas where a lack of access to libraries and bookstores can impede early reading efforts.

At Chenowith and Colonel Wright Elementary schools, First Book books were used in K-3rd grade classrooms where books were read as a class, or among the students in pairs or independently. Books were also sent home for at-home reading activities with their families. One teacher shared, “I still have students who will see one of the books and exclaim, “Oh! I have that book! I like/love that book.” 

First Book is grateful for the support of their sponsors: The Dalles Kiwanis, Wasco Lodge, Gorge Community Foundation, United Way of the Columbia Gorge, Northwest Natural Gas, Sightline Applications, Hood River Lions, and individual literacy supporters in Wasco and Hood River Counties.

First Book in Hood River and Wasco County give out book grants in January and October where books are chosen from the national First Book Marketplace.

First Book in the Columbia Gorge community accepts financial donations throughout the year. If you can give, please send your tax-deductible donation to First Book Hood River County PO Box 221 Hood River, Oregon 97031 or First Book Wasco County P.O.Box 82 The Dalles, Oregon 97058. 

For further information on the national First Book literacy effort go to You can also donate directly to the local efforts through their websites: and


To learn how to receive free books and resources for your classroom or program or if you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Nancy Johanson Paul at 541 490-5330 or  First Book gives books to literacy programs that serve children from low-income families.

“The MORE that you read, the MORE things you will know, the MORE that you LEARN, the MORE places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss