Mid-Columbia Economic Development District Seeks Board Members

From Mid-Columbia Economic Development District:

The Dalles, Ore. July 30, 2024 — Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD) is seeking interested candidates for openings on the MCEDD Board of Directors, particularly those involved with Agriculture, or the Food and Beverage Industry.

MCEDD promotes the creation of family-wage jobs, the diversification of the economic base, and the growth, development, and retention of business and industry. MCEDD was established in 1969 by Klickitat, Skamania, Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman counties to benefit from better access to economic development loans and grants, pooled technical assistance, marketing, and administrative resources, and a regional approach to economic development efforts. Over the years MCEDD’s membership has grown to include counties, cities, ports, and chambers of commerce within its five-county region.

MCEDD is governed by a twenty-two-member board of directors representing the counties, cities, ports, chambers, and private sector representatives. MCEDD is seeking interested candidates for its private sector representatives, which are appointed annually for a one-year term. At this time, there is a known vacancy in the agriculture and food and beverage industries. The Board meets quarterly with opportunities for committees that meet more often. Interested candidates must live in the five-county district and be engaged in private business.

These positions are unpaid volunteer positions that do not offer mileage reimbursement. More information and interest forms are available at https://www.mcedd.org/about-mid-columbia-economic- development-district/jobs-and-volunteer/. The deadline to submit an interest form is August 23, 2024. For more information, contact Jessica Metta at 541-296-2266 x1001 or email jessica@mcedd.org.

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