Hotshots shore up western containment line on Tunnel 5 Fire near White Salmon; Fire is 20% contained

Firefighters are working diligently to protect the values at risk in the affected fire area. The railroad passes through the main fire area and work is being done to protect the tracks through the corridor to minimize interruptions. The tracks are also utilized as a hold and improve line for firefighters to be able to get the upper hand on gaining containment of the perimeter of the fire. Photo from Michael Johnson/ NW12 of the Klickitat Canyon Handcrew out of Dallesport.

By Tom Peterson

The Dalles, Ore, July 7 at 12 p.m. - Fire Managers continue to add to their arsenal of equipment and personnel to stem the Tunnel 5 Fire burning 2 miles west of White Salmon, according to the latest stats shared by the Northwest Incident Management Team 12 this morning. 

The blaze now into its sixth day has grown just 10 acres to a total of 556 acres in steep and rugged terrain thick with brush and timber. And air and ground crews have been able to mostly thwart the fire’s advance by quickly throwing resources at it, choosing to fight it aggressively while it’s small. 

Photo by Darrel Wyatt - Fire Boss scooper planes based out of the Columbia Gorge Regional Airport in Dallesport take their shots at some hot spots on the Tunnel 5 Fire.

The total number of people fighting the fire is now at 449, with 40 fire engines, 5 helicopters and 11 hand crews, each with 18 to 20 individuals, who cut handline and provide preventative measures such as backburns and vegetation removal. 

“Yesterday, hotshot crews worked to construct containment line along the western perimeter in steep, rocky terrain. Favorable winds pushed the fire away from the western edge and provided some relief in these efforts, allowing for safer access to the area to complete hand line,” according to a press release from Management Team 12.  

A hotshot crew is a team of 20-22 elite wildland firefighters that mainly respond to large, high-priority fires across the country and abroad. They are assigned to work the most challenging parts of the fire and are considered strategic and tactical wildland fire experts. Hotshots are a National Resource and their deployment is controlled at the National Level.

“Firefighters will monitor and hold control line today along the western edge. Gusting winds across the fire area could present challenges to the line on both the west and east fire edges,” according to the news release. “Crews will continue to patrol along Highway 14 and Cook-Underwood Road, watching for any embers that could cross the line and create spot fires. Mop-up will continue near the old mill site as well as ongoing structure protection throughout the fire area. Initial Attack resources remain ready to rapidly shift assignments if necessary to assist local agencies with any new fire starts in the area.”

“Cooler temperatures and higher relative humidities today will help to moderate fire behavior, with temperatures in the 80s and relative humidities in the 30-35% range. West winds this morning will be somewhat stronger and gustier than yesterday,” the release states. 

While multiple structures have been reported burned, no injuries have been reported to date. The fire remains under investigation and managers are estimating the fire is 20 percent contained.  

Safety and Closures

Washington State Route 14 remains closed between mile markers 56-65 due to safety hazards from weakened trees and terrain that has been compromised by fire activity. Crews are actively engaged in clearing these safety hazards to safely reopen the highway. There is a closure on the Cook-Underwood Road, please find an alternate route if possible. There is a Temporary Flight Restriction over the Tunnel Five Fire area. Wildland fires are a “no-fly zone” for drones. If you fly, WE CAN’T. Smoke and aircraft are visible within the I-84 corridor. Travelers, recreationists, and boaters in this area of the Columbia River should use extreme caution and avoid areas where aircraft are dipping.