Hood River City Council Votes to Give Future Community Leaders a Raise
Note: Photo is old, Councilor Tim Counihan has passed away and is no longer a member of the Hood River City Council. At the May 13th City Council meeting the council observed a moment of silence and Mayor Blackburn took a moment to say a few words to remember Councilor Tim Counihan. Photo: City of Hood River
By Cole Goodwin
Hood River, Ore., May 30, 2024 — The Hood River City Council approved a resolution to increase compensation for future City Councilors and Mayors to foster a more inclusive and diverse community leadership. The resolution aims to reduce financial barriers to civic participation and make service on the City Council more accessible and attractive to a diverse range of candidates.
“I’m very excited about this,” said Mayor Paul Blackburn.
Under the new resolution future Councilors will receive 10% of the area’s median income (AMI), approximately $742 per month, and the future Mayor will receive 20% of the AMI, around $1,483 per month.
The change represents a significant increase from the current compensation rates which were set fifteen years ago at $50 per month for councilors and $100 per month for the mayor.
The resolution also includes a modest technology stipend of $100 per year for council members. The changes will take effect gradually as current members stand for re-election or as new appointments are made, fully phasing in by 2027.
To watch the May 28th, Hood River City Council and Urban Renewal Board Meeting watch the video below. Discussion of City Council and Mayor compensation begins at timestamp 3:07:54.
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