Gorge Youth Mentoring Spring Raffle: Enter to Win a Coastal Getaway

by Jordan Flores

Support The Next Door Inc.’s Gorge Youth Mentoring Spring Raffle for your chance to win one of two amazing stays at the Oregon Coast!*  

The Grand Prize winner will soak in the ocean breeze at their 3-night coastal getaway in a Manzanita home located one block from downtown and two blocks from the beach. Second Place will enjoy a relaxing 2-night stay in a beautiful octagonal home just one mile from Manzanita beach and town. Tickets are $25 each and only 200 will be sold! Email amandal@nextdoorinc.org to buy yours today and stay tuned for the big drawing on Monday, June 12th.

Gorge Youth Mentoring, also known as GYM, is a community-based program serving Wasco, Hood River, and Klickitat Counties, that pairs local youth, or mentees, ages 6-21 in need of positive role modeling with an adult volunteer mentor. Mentors and mentees are matched based on similar interests, personalities, and needs, and get together at least twice a month to do any number of fun activities such as hiking, baking, arts and crafts, homework and much more. As mentees spend time with their mentors, their self-esteem increases, they have more positive experiences in school, and they have better relationships with others.  

For more information, visit https://nextdoorinc.org/gym

The Next Door

Our Mission

Opening doors to new possibilities by strengthening children and families and improving communities.

We envision a supportive community where all children and families are safe, healthy, and valued.

Nuestra Misión
Abrir puertas a nuevas posibilidades al apoyar a niños y familias y además fortalecer comunidades.

Soñamos con una comunidad de apoyo donde todos los niños y las familias se sienten seguros, sanos y valorados.
