Free Lead Screenings for Toys and Yard Soil at the Wasco County Children’s Fair

The Dalles Ore., May 14, 2024 — North Central Public Health District (NCPHD) is excited to partner with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) at this year’s Wasco County Children’s Fair to educate the public about the dangers of lead poisoning. OHA is offering free, confidential lead screening for soil and children’s toys on May 18th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Children’s Fair at The Dalles City Park.

Did you know? Although lead is invisible to the naked eye and has no smell, exposure to lead can seriously harm a child’s health? Young children tend to put their hands, toys, or other objects―which may be made of lead or contaminated with lead or lead dust―into their mouths.

Collecting soil to bring for testing is easy. All you need is a plastic zip-close bag and spoon. For this event, prepare at least 2 cups of dry soil taken from your yard, play area, or garden. Soil must be dry before the event and placed in clear plastic baggies, so dig your sample a few days before the event.

If you want to test your children’s toys, they should be made from plastic or wood, have a smooth, flat surface, and be at least 2”x2” in size.

Screening results are confidential and provided same-day!

If lead is detected, we will share practical low-cost or no-cost exposure prevention tips and safe gardening advice for the whole family. Visit Oregon Health Authority’s soil screening webpage at to learn more about how to prepare your samples.

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North Central Public Health District

North Central Public Health District is the only three-county local health department in Oregon. We strive so that one day all people will live in a safe environment free from fear of preventable diseases; that all businesses, organizations and individuals will have access to health information and have the desire to promote and be responsible for a healthy lifestyle for themselves and each other. Our mission is to prevent disease, injury, and disability; to promote health and well being; and to protect our communities by preparing for and responding to public health threats.