Fire Near Discovery Center Destroys Motorhome, July 21

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A couple from The Dalles lost their motorhome to flames near the Discovery Center this morning, Wednesday, July 21, after the fire broke out around 10 a.m.

Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue responded to the scene with two fire engines and a tender and the Oregon Department of Forestry also helped with a wildland firefighting vehicle. 

Mid-Columbia Division Chief Jay Wood said the fire started near the mobile home and then moved to the north and next to Interstate 84. 

The motorhome was destroyed, but no one appeared to be injured in the incident, Wood said. 

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One owner of the motorhome, who wished not to be named, said the vehicle was insured and that they were not living in it. They intended on selling the vehicle, an early 2000 model with just 25,000 miles. She agreed the value was somewhere around $45,000.

The motorhome was parked in a field to the east of Pinewood Meadows Manor mobile home park, which is just east of The Discovery Center Entrance off Highway 30. 

The Wasco County Sheriff’s Office assisted in the fire. 

“Fortunately this burned into an old burn scar,” Wood said, noting it hit the burned embers of the fire that occurred in that area in late spring. “It started near the motorhome, but we have no idea what caused it at this point.”