Dufur's Fagan Giving Locals a Chance to Change Political Landscape
A letter from the Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan with edits by Tom Peterson:
“When I was running to be your Secretary of State, I promised to create a “People’s Commission” of Oregonians who will advise me on redistricting should the task fall to me,” Shemia Fagan, Oregon Secretary of State wrote this morning, Tuesday, Aug. 24.
“While state lawmakers technically get the first crack at drawing new political districts every 10 years, they have succeeded in passing a legal plan just twice since 1911. If they fail this year, the hugely important job of creating state legislative maps falls to Fagan. But the Democratic secretary says she’ll have help,” according to a story by Dirk VanderHart at Oregon Public Broadcasting.
Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan at Wahtonka Field earlier this year sporting her Dufur Ranger colors during a vaccination event.
In the letter received at CCCNews this morning, Fagan said, “Almost three weeks ago, I kept that commitment and opened up the process so Oregonians could begin applying. The response has been tremendous! Hundreds across the state have submitted applications. I’m thrilled to say that we’ve received submissions from 35 of Oregon’s 36 counties (hey Gilliam County, get those applications in)!”
“Applications are open until September 2. I hope you’ll consider applying.”
Thank you,
Shemia Fagan