City of The Dalles Announces New Protocols Following "Zoom Bombing"

By Cole Goodwin

The Dalles, Ore., December 11, 2023 – The Dalles City Manager Matthew Klebes has announced changes to the City’s Zoom meeting policies following an anti-Semitic “Zoom bombing” incident that occurred at the last City Council meeting. Klebes shared that the incident is under FBI investigation and is part of a recent slew of Zoom-bombing and hate speech incidents that have been occurring during online public meetings state-wide.

“Hate speech is completely unacceptable and the City has taken action to report the incident to the Oregon Department of Justice as well as modify how individuals can virtually attend and participate in our public meetings. These steps were taken to prevent such an incident from occurring again while maintaining the ability to virtually participate in our local government,” said Klebes.

Changes to the Zoom protocols for online participation will include pre-registration for Zoom meetings.

Those wishing to speak online at a City Council meeting must register with the City Clerk no later than noon the day of the council meeting. Email or call (541) 296-5481 ext. 1119.

The following information must be provided when registering to speak:

• First and Last Name

• City of residence

• Topic you will address

A Zoom link and phone number will be sent via email to those who have provided complete information by the deadline. When joining the webinar, participants are required to use the same first and last name they registered. Public comment is limited to three minutes per person.

City Council meetings are available for all to view live on the City’s website.

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.