Boil Water Warning in effect for Mosier residents due to system pressure loss

Power outages due to the Microwave Tower Fire causes loss of pressure in Mosier potable water system; managers now cautioning residents to boil water as potentially harmful bacteria may be present

From the City of Mosier:

Mosier, Ore., July 24, 4 p.m. — Due to the loss of water pressure in the city’s distribution system on July 22, 2024, potentially harmful bacteria could be in the water supply.

If these bacteria are present, they could make you sick and are a particular concern for people with weakened immune systems. The affected area is limited, but if you have received this notice directly from your water provider, you are in the affected area.

Do not drink the water without boiling it first.

Customers should bring water to a rolling boil for 1 full minute, allow the water to cool before using, and store the cooled water in a clean container with a cover. Customers should use boiled water that has cooled or bottled water for:

  • Drinking

  • Brushing teeth

  • Washing fruits and vegetables

  • Preparing food and baby formula

  • Making ice

  • Cleaning food contact surfaces

We will inform you when tests show no bacteria and you no longer need to boil your water. We anticipate resolving the problem within the estimated time frame.

It often takes several days to perform multiple water sample tests before water managers are assured that water is safe to drink.

This boil water advisory is a precaution. To limit health risks, customers should follow the instructions contained in this advisory.

Electricity was restored in Mosier on Wednesday, July 24.

“Please take precautions when dealing with food and water safety after a power outage,” the Wasco County Sheriff’s Office is recommending. “If your power was out for more than 4 hours, discard perishable refrigerated items like meats, seafood, dairy, eggs, prepared foods, and food requiring temperature control. If your power was out for more than 48 hours, also discard all frozen foods requiring temperature control. Food with ice crystals may be safe, but do not refreeze thawed items.”

For more information about the water advisory, click here.

You can also contact John Grim P.E., Mosier Emergency Services at (541) 993-5421. General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by contaminants in drinking water are available from the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 or the Oregon Health Authority, Drinking Water Services at 971-673-0405.


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Available to everyone. Funded by Readers. This photo of the Microwave Tower Fire near I 84 on July 24 taken by Deon Cross