Wasco County Commissioners Meeting April 17 at 9 a.m.
The Wasco County Board of Commissioners will hold a Regular Session at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The location for the meeting is 511 Washington Street, Suite 302, The Dalles, OR 97058
The full agenda can be found here.
9 a.m.
Call to order
Discussion Items:
Summit Ridge Letter; CAMI Grant; BOPTA Report; Appointments; Finance Report; Board Meeting Venue
Consent Agenda: 4.3.2024 Regular Session Minutes (Items of a routine nature: minutes, documents, items previously discussed.)
Public Comment at the discretion of the Chair (3 minute limit unless extended by Chair)
9:30 a.m. Recess to Library Service District Meeting
9:40 a.m. Community Wildfire Protection Plan – Alice Cannon
9:55 a.m. WCLEA Agreement – Lane Magill/Scott Williams 10:05 a.m. Dufur Ambulance Waiver – Sheridan McClellan/Sarah Smith
10:15 a.m. Emergency Services/Sheriff’s Office Grants – Sheridan McClellan
10:30 a.m. Agricultural Labor Housing – Lesley Tamura
11:00 a.m. Tax & Assessment CAFFA Grant Wholly Uncollectible Taxes
11:15 a.m. Earth 280 EZ Application – Dan Spatz/Jill Amery
11:45 a.m. Information Services: Security Assessment Contract, Google work Space Renewal
2:00 p.m. Public Works , H Street Road Vacation, Hood River Road Vacation Work Session
2:30 p.m. Executive Session – Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(h) Conferring with Legal Counsel
Commission Call
You can join the meeting at https://wascocounty-org.zoom.us/j/3957734524 or call in to 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 3957734524#
QLife budget meeting set for April 25 at 10 a.m.
A public meeting of the Budget Committee of QualityLife (QLife) to discuss the budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. The meeting will take place on the 25th of April, 2024 at 12:00 pm. This will be a hybrid meeting; in-person at the Wasco County Courthouse, 511 Washington St. in the Deschutes Room B08, The Dalles OR or online: Click here / https://meet.google.com/evn-uksz-qur or by dialing Mike Middleton, Budget Officer, Wasco County April 12, 2024
Hood River City Council Meets April 8 at 6 p.m.
Hood River City Council Meeting - April 8, 2024
6:00 p.m. at Hood River City Hall, 211 Second St, Hood River, Oregon.
The City of Hood River Council meetings can now be viewed live on YouTube. See link to connect to live meetings: https://cityofhoodriver.gov/administration/public-meeting-upcoming-and-archived-videos/
The recording of the meeting will be posted shortly after the meeting on the City’s website. Please check the City’s website for the most current schedule of City public meetings. https://cityofhoodriver.gov/administration/meetings/
Hood River City Council encourages community members to talk about issues important to them. If you wish to speak during “Business from the Audience” there are three options to choose from:
If you wish to speak during “Business from the Audience”, and you are attending the meeting in person, please sign up when you arrive at the meeting by printing your name, contact information and topic/item on the sheet provided by the City Recorder.
Submit written comments to the City Recorder at j.gray@cityofhoodriver.gov by Monday, April 8, 2024, no later than 12 noon in order to distribute to the City Council in one packet for review by 3pm. All comments will be added to the record.
To address Council during Business for the Audience by Zoom, send an email (name of speaker and topic) to j.gray@cityofhoodriver.gov by Monday, April 8, 2024, no later than 12 noon. Please specify the topic your testimony addresses. Testimony will go in order of requests received. Attendees that have pre-registered will be given a Zoom link. The speaker will be promoted by the City Recorder to address Council. Audio and video to be turned on for 3 minutes to address Council.
At the Mayors discretion, public comments may be received prior to a specific topic of relevance during the meeting. Please observe the time limit of three minutes/person
1. Selection of External Financial and Compliance Auditor, Chris Longinetti
2. Purchase of (1) 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe, Chief Leonard Damian
3. OLCC Permit Application Approval - Kirpas Indian Cuisine – 4040 Westcliff Drive
ACTION ITEMS 1. Landmarks Board Member Appointments, Dustin Nilsen
March Lyle Community Council Meeting
We look forward to connecting with neighbors and friends at the upcoming Lyle Community Council (LCC) meeting on Wednesday, March 13th!
Please join us in person (masks optional), by phone, or virtually.
Lyle Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 13th, 6:30pm
Lyle Activity Center
Zoom link to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87977308608?pwd=UFg3YzY3THZsd2pVU2xzeFYxMEVmQT09
Meeting ID: 879 7730 8608
Passcode: 775994
Phone: (253) 205-0468 (Be prepared to enter meeting ID, passcode)
Need Zoom assistance? Zoom meeting tutorial
LCC Business
Lyle Public Transportation (Mount Adams Transportation)
Community Clean Up (Glenda)
Lyle Fire Department (Patty E.)
Lyle School Update (Dr. Ann V.)
Klickitat Delta (Claire F., Bill W, Vern H.)
Electric Car Charge Station (Vern H.)
Lyle Market Mural (Kelly)
Trailhead Safety (Committee)
Boat Ramp Update
US Postal Service Update
Neighbors with Immediate Needs
Open Agenda - Topics for community good & order
Review past LCC meeting minutes and the full agenda available on our updated website.
TD CIty Budget Committee Workshop set for March 19 at noon
The City of The Dalles will hold a Budget Committee Workshop on March 19 starting at 12:00 p.m. The workshop will take place in Council Chambers at City Hall, 313 Court Street.
If a quorum is present, this will constitute a Special Meeting.
The participation of the City Council is optional. This Notice will serve as the official meeting notice in the event a quorum of the City Council is present for the Budget Committee Workshop.
If you have any questions, you may contact Amie Ell, City Clerk at
296-5481, extension 1119.
North Wasco County School District Board Work Session set for March 14th at 6 PM
Discussion Items:
a. Review & Potentially Update the Board Operating Protocols (as of May 2022)
b. Review the Superintendent's annual evaluation process and what to expect
Port of The Dalles Commission meets on March 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the agenda and notice of executive session.
NOTICE: Port Commission Meetings have been moved from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for the foreseeable future. Also, due to extensive flooding in the Port Office basement, meetings are still being held offsite.
The Dalles Urban Renewal Board meets Feb. 20 at 5:30 p.m.
Supplemental Item added Feb. 16:
9. ACTION ITEMS: B. Eighth Addendum to the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Recreation Building, 213-219 East 2nd Street