Max & Nicole riding high on Wheels of Hope
Tom Peterson Tom Peterson

Max & Nicole riding high on Wheels of Hope

Nicole Dollarhide of Wasco was given the car through Wheels of Hope, which provides cars to families who are struggling. Multiple local businesses and nonprofits support the program including Schultens and Crestline Construction and Bicoastal Media. Nicole Dollarhide of Wasco was nominated by Max’s Kindergarten Teacher Ashley Macnab at Sherman County School.

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Vargas wins her way into Hotel California on Saturday, Sept. 3
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

Vargas wins her way into Hotel California on Saturday, Sept. 3

105 locals entered to win four tickets to the CCCNews’ Hotel California, A Salute to the Eagles, who are set to hit the stage on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Lewis & Clark Festival Park. But there could only be one winner. And the winner is…

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Eagles Tribute Band is the ticket for Labor Day Weekend
Tom Peterson Tom Peterson

Eagles Tribute Band is the ticket for Labor Day Weekend

Eagles tribute band Hotel California is set to hit the stage in The Dalles on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, smack dab in the middle of Labor Day weekend. So, if you're running down the road, trying to loosen your load, remember to lighten up while you still can. Don’t even try to understand. Just buy some tickets and make your stand and take it easy … at Lewis & Clark Festival Park in The Dalles. Doors open at 4 p.m. Music starts at 5.

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This might go good with a beer
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

This might go good with a beer

Join Fox and Bones for an entertaining evening of folk rock music on the Dalles' waterfront tonight, Aug. 3 at 6:30 p.m.

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Famous Oregon Guitar Inventor Creates Vibrations As He Unveils New Jazz Design
Tom Peterson Tom Peterson

Famous Oregon Guitar Inventor Creates Vibrations As He Unveils New Jazz Design

Rossco Wright, Oregon master guitar craftsman, has imagined and forged guitar designs so innovative and tough they have traveled the expanse of outer space. In fact, Wright’s SoloEtte has traveled more than 376,000,000 miles and orbited Earth more than 15,000 times. His new design The NiteCat is even more out of this world.

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Strange, Panther-Like Creature Prowls the Gorge
Cole Goodwin Cole Goodwin

Strange, Panther-Like Creature Prowls the Gorge

Realtors warn their clients that they may encounter an “indescribable black creature” while visiting remote properties in Snowden. A driver in Klickitat canyon spots a hulking black beast with a long tail lurking near roadside homesteads at dawn. Rumors have swirled in Trout Lake for close to three decades about a family of sable-colored, mutated cougars. These paranormal reports received at Margie’s Outdoor Store all seem to be describing the same thing, a beast that is being called the Ebony Ape Cat.

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Grit Row’s Pothier outpaces pandemic, looks to lift others
Tom Peterson Tom Peterson

Grit Row’s Pothier outpaces pandemic, looks to lift others

This kid’s got moxie. Who starts an exercise business in a pandemic? In a city park, no less. Kathy Pothier, that’s who. And she’s not hoarding that energy. The operator of Grit Row, which has moved to The Dalles Athletic Club, is promoting local business and programs to both improve the economy and our quality of life. The Dalles is starting to crest, she said.

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$500 Reward offer for Return of Wedding Album left in Grass Valley
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

$500 Reward offer for Return of Wedding Album left in Grass Valley

Vic Berkshire is offering a $500 reward for the return of his wedding album. His late wife, Marilyn, was the daughter of Glenndene Mann. Her house in Grass Valley was recently sold and was emptied. Berkshire is praying that someone may have seen his wedding album. The letters “L A K E T A H O E” are cut out of the wooden cover of the wedding album.

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Going, Going, GONE! TDAC Art Revival Sale Ends Jan 29th!
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

Going, Going, GONE! TDAC Art Revival Sale Ends Jan 29th!

There’s only a few days left in The Dalles Art Center is hosting their 2022 Art Revival Sale! The sale will end on Saturday January 29th. Want to support TDAC? Check out the sale and get some cool new art from your home!

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Local Brewers go Virtual in Roundtable talk and tasting on Jan. 20.
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

Local Brewers go Virtual in Roundtable talk and tasting on Jan. 20.

Join The History Museum of Hood River County as brewers Matt Swihart of Double Mountain, Dan Peterson of Ferment, Bryan Keilty of Gorges Beer in Cascade Locks, and Jordan Hunt of Mountain View Brewing in Mt Hood/ Parkdale conduct a roundtable talk and tasting.

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TD Civic Auditorium Hosts Day for Children ages 5 to 12 on Dec. 20
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

TD Civic Auditorium Hosts Day for Children ages 5 to 12 on Dec. 20

The Dalles Civic is offering a fun-filled day with Santa on Dec. 20 for children ages 5 to 12 years old. Drop them off and do some shopping or join in the holiday cheer. Cost is $45. But scholarships through the Shannon Tatum Memorial are available and there are also family rates. The day includes lunch, arts and crafts, and a ride on Santa’s sleigh. Ho, Ho, Ho!

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WIC - Your connection to free good food for you and your family of little ones
Tom Peterson Tom Peterson

WIC - Your connection to free good food for you and your family of little ones

Food can do powerful things. It can prolong your life. It can turn you from sad or angry to happy.
And it can change lives forever. Good news - free tasty food is readily available to local women, infants and children. And it is simple to access in Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties with a simple phone call. Read more here.

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Bulk up on local food with Fall Haul
Gorge Farmer Collective Gorge Farmer Collective

Bulk up on local food with Fall Haul

Winter is coming… load your larder, pack your pantry, fill your freezers with the best local foods in the Gorge! Join the Gorge Farmer Collective - a farmer-owned cooperative - in a bulk buying extravaganza at the Mount Hood Town Hall this season in lieu of the Rockford Grange's annual Fill Your Pantry event.

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A Huge Thank You to All in the last days of The Ranch Drive In
Columbia Community Connection Columbia Community Connection

A Huge Thank You to All in the last days of The Ranch Drive In

Behind the Baby Buckos, SuzieQs and Burst Cones, the Prideaux family has created a family icon for 46 years at The Ranch Drive In in Hood River. Not just a place to eat great fish & chips, but meet with friends, family, and take in those moments that make life worth living. And now they are saying goodbye and thank you.

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