TD Downtown Gift Guide: Las 3 Hermanas / El Guerrero offers hats, boots beautiful dresses

Las 3 Hermanas y El Guerrero

509 E. Second Street
Open Tues - Sun., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Las 3 Hermanas or 3 Sisters is a quaint establishment offering a unique selection of beautiful dresses and women’s clothing and handmade crafts and artisanal goods at 509 E. Second Street.

The store also has a second name El Guerrero or The Warrior, and it features an awesome selection of cowboy boots and hats, belt buckles and men’s clothing.

De Punta en Blanco

Saturday, Dec. 14 looks to be pretty inspirational for finishing up those shopping lists with our awesome downtown merchants. Libations will abound as the gift ideas will pop like dionysian epippanies born of grape and Christmas dances. Fun starts at 4 p.m. Where your crown of Ivy to this intoxicating land!


TD Downtown Gift Guide: Lego my Lego, Magic Foundations and Video Games


Hazardous waste recycle event set for The Dalles, Hood River on Nov. 15 & 16